‘Derher’ Magazine Revisits the Gulf War
In late 5750 the world felt the rumblings of tensions taking place in the Middle East. The Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein threatened to wreak disaster and calamity upon Eretz Yisroel and the Jewish people who resided there.
While the world prepared for utter devastation, the Rebbe firmly insisted that Hashem’s eyes were upon Eretz Yisroel, protecting it, and no Jew would be hurt.
In their Adar-Alef edition, A Chassidisher Derher Magazine has published an unprecedented review of the Rebbe’s foretelling guidance in the times surrounding “The Gulf War” and the miraculous outcome.
The editorial board of the Vaad Hatmimim Haolomi, which publishes the monthly magazine, says that the magazine is being snapped up at Crown Heights stores, and on their website www.derher.org/subscribe, because of the unique article.
The following is an excerpt:
Hashem’s eyes are upon it!
After the initial attack in Kuwait, Saddam Hussein yemach shemo announced to the world that he planned to make his war on Eretz Yisroel and the western countries the “mother of all wars.” News of chemical warfare and other horrifying details frightened Yidden around the world.
Despite the terrible news, the Rebbe remained firm that there was no cause for worry. On the contrary, Hashem would soon show great wonders.
The first open reference to the swirling conflicts connected with Eretz Yisroel, was to the Chief of Israeli Police, Mr. Roni Milo, who spoke with the Rebbe during Dollars on Sunday, 28 Av 5750. Mr. Milo began to address the Rebbe, saying how much the Rebbe’s Brochos were needed, especially because of the current environment, when the Rebbe interrupted him and said:
“These are not difficult days, these are the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul. The Rebbe explains that during the month of Elul, the Melech Malchei Hamlochim is found in the field. Which means that he is very close to every Jew, and particularly those who reside in Eretz Hakodesh.
“I have already stated that the Posuk spells this out clearly.”
“ארץ אשר תמיד עיני הוי’ אלוקיך בה מראשית שנה ועד אחרית שנה.”
A few days later, Rabbi Yosef Ralbag, the Rov of Kiryas Yovel, was the first person that merited a written response regarding the possibility of war. He had asked the Rebbe about how to address the impending dangers and whether he should direct his community members to save food in case of disaster. The Rebbe’s answer to him was unequivocal:
1. Even a child, five years of age, can understand from the simple meaning of the posuk othat Hashem’s eyes are always upon the land [of Eretz Yisroel].
2. Regarding whether to store food in advance, this can lead to inflated food prices in Eretz Hakodesh.
3. I will mention at the Tziyon [of the Frierdiker Rebbe].
The Rebbe refused to be swayed by the gloomy predictions of others; instead the Rebbe assured the Yidden of Eretz Yisroel that there was nothing to fear. True to the words the Rebbe had included in the Roshei Teivos of the year, this would be a year of wonders!
To subscribe, or for more information about the magazine, visit www.Derher.org/subscribe.
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Citizen Berel
This periodical is best publication to come out in years.
A groisen yasher koiach
Thank you for all your dedication in producing this publication.
I look forward to it every month.