The Seder: Step by Step
Trekking up the highest mountains, flying across the seas, or right here in the US of A, lead your seder with confidence. Join Rabbi Yossi Paltiel as he go through the Seder step by step, shares tips and tricks and fascinating insights on the Haggadah.
This series of videos will help you prepare for your seder, providing Dvar Torahs, stories and explanations on each siman of the seder.
- Kadaish – Kiddush
- Urichatz – Washing Hands
- Karpas – Dipping in Salt Water
- Yachatz – Break the Matzah
- Magid – Retelling the Story
- Rochtzo – Washing Hands
- Motzi Matzah – Matzah
- Maror – Bitter Herbs
- Korech – The Sandwich
- Shulchon Orech – Festive Meal
- Tzafon – The Afikoman
- Beirach – Grace after the Meal
- Hallel – Songs of Praise
- Nirtza – Next Year in Jerusalem
very nice
i’m going to start watching right now. rabbi paltiel always gives amazing shiurim. just as a random side note, that picture collage up there of rabbi paltiel is amusing. chag kasher v’sameach to all :-)
tc fan
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