By Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, Fl.
Baruch. . . Shehecheyanu V'kiy'manu V'higiyanu Lizman Hazeh.

If you’re wondering what prompts the preceding invocation of thanksgiving and gratitude – normally reserved for particularly pleasing intermittent occurrences – that’s a good sign. It means that you’ve taken the bait. But don’t feel too bad, you can be sure that there is more to the invocation of this prayer, at this seemingly mundane and uneventful time of year, than mere attention grabbing.

The reason for the Shehecheyanu is because I, among others, have experienced this week something more moving and more pleasing than anything I have witnessed in my entire half century of residency in this world. I offer the Shehecheyanu in recognition of that deep soul rending occurrence.

Thank You Shalom Mordechai – A Truly Blessed People

By Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, Fl.

Baruch. . . Shehecheyanu V’kiy’manu V’higiyanu Lizman Hazeh.

If you’re wondering what prompts the preceding invocation of thanksgiving and gratitude – normally reserved for particularly pleasing intermittent occurrences – that’s a good sign. It means that you’ve taken the bait. But don’t feel too bad, you can be sure that there is more to the invocation of this prayer, at this seemingly mundane and uneventful time of year, than mere attention grabbing.

The reason for the Shehecheyanu is because I, among others, have experienced this week something more moving and more pleasing than anything I have witnessed in my entire half century of residency in this world. I offer the Shehecheyanu in recognition of that deep soul rending occurrence.

What I‘m referring to is the unprecedented display of Ahavas and Achdus Yisroel (Jewish love and unity) that has been exhibited in response to the ongoing attempted lynching of a fellow Jew by the name of Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin. Anyone who is not aware of this brewing event needs to examine the nature of his bond with the Jewish community. I shall not squander the limited space of this forum to repeat the details of this soon to become historic “Rubashkin Affair.”

Anyone unfamiliar with the prevailing attempt to Lynch a religiously pious and devoted family man – who is also an extraordinary philanthropist – because of his Jewish heritage and values, must first and foremost get in tune with Jewish current events.

There is no excuse, especially in this age of communication, to find oneself oblivious or ill informed regarding any organized attack against one’s own ethnicity, especially one that is government lead. Next, he ought to swiftly educate himself about this ongoing depravity; it is as easy as doing a Google search or visiting

Suffice it to say however, that this high profile act of injustice contains all the makings of premeditated anti-Semitism and prejudice. It has all the classic signs of the good old fashion “Blood Libel.” It is particularly reminiscent of the notorious “Dreyfus Affair” of 1894.

As most of us know, Captain Alford Dreyfus was convicted of treason when papers discovered in a wastebasket in the office of a German military attaché gave the appearance of French military secrets being passed on to the German government. Captain Dreyfus came under suspicion because he was a Jew and because he had access to the type of information supplied to the German agent.

The authorities declared that Dreyfus’ handwriting was similar to that on the papers. Despite his protestations of innocence he was found guilty of treason in a military court-martial, during which he was denied the right to examine the evidence against him. The army stripped him of his rank in a humiliating ceremony and shipped him off to life imprisonment on Devil’s Island, a penal colony located off the coast of South America.

Dreyfus, who had few defenders, in a time and place where anti-Semitism was rampant, seemed destined go down in disgrace. It was in fact an anti-Semite, by the name of Lieutenant Colonel Georges Picquart, who could not stand the blatant injustice, that saved his life.

Upon his appointment as chief of army intelligence, Picquart thoroughly examined the evidence and concluded that the guilty officer was a Major named Walsin Esterhazy. To his chagrin, he soon discovered that the army was more concerned about its image than rectifying its error. As a result of Picquart’s persistence the army transferred him to Tunisia. A military court then acquitted Esterhazy, ignoring the compelling evidence.

The affair might have ended there if not for the determined intervention of the novelist named Émile Zola, who published his denunciation of the cover-up. The letter accused the government of anti-Semitism and the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus. Zola pointed out judicial errors and lack of serious evidence. The letter was printed on the front page of the newspaper, and caused a stir in France and abroad.

In September 1899, the president of France pardoned Dreyfus, thereby making it possible for him to return to Paris, where he was eventually exonerated and his military rank reinstated. “The Affair” had resounding social and political repercussion.

Those following the Rubashkin case can surely detect the many parallels, such as the high exposure, humiliating treatment, lack of initial support and the unlikely source of salvation, (at least within nature), and the like. The fact that salvation has not yet materialized for Rubashkin is only temporary. The current rate of public support and awareness is inevitably causing a growing fracture in the foundation of the libelous prosecution, which leaves the brazen falseness on a respirator with numbered days.

But that’s not the point of this discussion. The focus here is the unprecedented Jewish unity that has grown out of this tragedy.

I’m not known to possess a mystical personality, nor am I prone to mushy flights of exuberance. My deep state of inspiration over the Jewish unity that has emerged in response to this distressing situation ought not be mistaken for a psychologically produced high, or an emotionally stimulating blaze; the kind that might be associated with a rousing piece of poetry. It’s nothing like that.

The inspiration of which I speak, is beyond the shadow of a doubt the direct product of the monumental leap towards the righteousness and renaissance of the Jewish people. To borrow a phrase from the Battle Hymn of the Republic: “Mine eyes have truly seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

To witness the outpouring of care and consideration for an unknown fellow Jew – to watch entire factions put aside respective ideological differences, in support of higher commonality and wholeness – is nothing short of Judaism at its finest, and for this we must give credit to Shalom Mordechai, for as Attorney Nat Lewin pointed out at the massive Borough Park rally, “it is all due to his Shem Tov (good name).”

It is quite obvious that this week’s unprecedented display of unity and love was the result of a confluence of factors, not the least of which is the character of the man at the center of it all and his sterling reputation. Had his and his family’s reputation been anything less than pristine, had they not been so involved in caring and sharing, who knows if this miracle would occur.

So, Shalom Mordechai dear brother, you ought to know and take great comfort in the fact that you are the source of untold inspiration for me and many others. You have restored hope in the Jewish principle of Ahavas Yisroel and Achdus Yisroel and thereby certainly hastened the Geulah. I don’t mean to be flippant or insensitive when I say that you are a lucky man to have such powerful Zechusim.

To those who are thinking: “What Chutzpah this guy has to tell a man who had such a “Klap” this week, that he is a Lucky man.” I say in response, it is not I who makes this assertion, but rather the Almighty himself. We are all familiar with G-d’s words to Aharon upon his tragic loss: “B’krovai Ekodeish” – G-d chooses those who are close to him when it comes to the holy mission, the sanctification of His name.

“Well,” I can hear some readers insisting, “It’s good and fine for G-d to say that, but you should not be ‘A Guteh Oif Yenem’s Cheshbon ,’ which translates to ‘You have no right to be a good guy on someone else’s account i.e., to rationalize away someone else’s hardships.’” To this I respond: “If you listened to the words Shalom Mordechai’s son Getzy, who spoke during the aforementioned rally, on behalf of his father and family, you would now that the Rubashkin family fully share this position, which brings us to another reason to thank SM.

His and his Family’s exemplary Emunah – faith in the Almighty, in spite of the overwhelming circumstances once again serves as a beacon of light to us all. Most of all however I want to thank SM for allowing me to have a new appreciation for a Jew.

Our Parsha this week discusses how Balak son of Zippor, king of Moav, grew alarmed at the Israelites’ military victories among the Amorites. He consulted with the elders of Midian and sent elders of Moav and Midian to the land by the Euphrates to invite the prophet Balaam to come and curse the Israelites for him. Balaam told them: “Spend the night here and I shall reply to you as the Lord may instruct me.” G-d came to Balaam and said: “You must not curse that people, for they are blessed.”

The Parsha proceeds to describe how Balaam, thinking he could outsmart G-d, saddled his donkey in the morning, and departed with the dignitaries, but G-d was incensed at his going and placed an angel in Balaam’s way. A dramatic situation ensues in which Balaam’s donkey ends up scolding him.

Balak proceeds to meet Balaam on the Arnon border, and asked him why he didn’t come earlier. Balaam told Balak that he could utter only the words that God put into his mouth. They went on together. After several failed attempts to curse the Jewish people, Balaam asked Balak to wait while he went off alone to see if G-d would grant him a manifestation. G-d appeared to Balaam and told him what to say.

The scenario repeats itself. Balaam says: “How can I damn whom God has not damned, how doom when the Lord has not doomed? . . . Balak complains again and Balaam replies that he could only repeat what God put in his mouth. . . When He blesses, I cannot reverse it. In the end Balaam heaps the most beautiful blessings upon the children of Israel.

While this is a beautiful and highly dramatic Parsha, the theme, as is repeated by Balaam himself, is abundantly clear: “You must not curse that people, for they are blessed…” “How can I damn whom God has not damned, how doom when the Lord has not doomed?”

How providential is it that the curse of a sentence should be handed down during the week of Parsha’s Balak, the Parsha which informs us of our inherently blessed status; the narrative that proclaims our un-cursable essence.

This week I gained new insight to the meaning of the phrase: “For they are blessed,” something I have not always understood. Yes we can be a stiff necked people. Yes we can be pushy and sometimes over aggressive and, dare I say obnoxious, but despite any of these outer flaws we possess the most beautiful soul. We have by far, the holiest purest and most generous hearts of any people on earth.

There is no kindness like the kindness of a Jew and there is no giving like the giving of the Jew. We are unpredictable in how stubborn we can be with our kindness and how aggressive we can be with our giving. I guess that makes us obnoxiously beautiful.

We are truly blessed!

And I owe this new insight and appreciation for the magnificence of the Jew to Shalom Mordechai Halevi ben Rivka Rubashkin.

In the merit of how much you’ve taught the world directly and indirectly – in the merit of all the increased Ahavas Yisroel and Achdus Yisrael that you have caused directly and indirectly may you be rewarded with G-d’s abundant blessing beginning with the immediate Yeshuah , which will hopefully lead to ultimate and general Yeshuah of Klal Yisrael with the coming of the righteous Moshiach BBA .


  • A Boyarsky

    Although I agree that there is a he amount of animosity and clear indications of the prosecution going way beyond the letter of the law, I believe that screaming anti-Semitism and referencing blood libels and Dryfus will only hurt our cause.

    If we are serious about bringing out the truth and bringing hatzadic SMR back home to his family we must get organized and do the following:

    * Use Chabads vast network of political and business connections to articulately present the Rubashkin facts

    *Invite Attorney Cook to speak at Chabad hoses and Shul, his email address is

    *Remain relentless in your email and calls to the prosecution team and asking for clarification in their immense abuse of the letter of the law and misrepresentation of the fact

    *Email Rabbi Shemtov and ask him why he has stated “this is not a Lubavitcher problem but a Lubavitcher with a problem”. Ask him why it was fine to benefit from the Rubashkins Chesed and Tzedaka when he needed it but now he has ignored this ad refused to us his vast network of connections. His contact info is:

    Name: Avrohom & Bat-Sheva Shemtov
    Address: 7622 Castor Ave.
    City: Philadelphia
    State: PA
    ZIP: 19152
    Country: USA
    Tel: 215-722-0397

  • Yes however

    Rabbi Kahanov everything you say is correct except in this country that is founded on the rule of law when a sworn jury finds a defendant guilty on 86 counts of fraud a judge must impose a sentence that reflex’s this.

    Yes the judge had great latitude in sentencing however this was her choice we also have an appeals system for cases such as this so let’s begin that process instead of lamenting over and over again her decision.

  • Ahavas Yisroel is Key

    Wow!nSo beautifully written and so true! I hope that as in the Dreyfus case SM too will find justice FAST!

  • Sara

    May Hashem have rachmonus (!) and may his sentence be commuted to time served. May he come home to his family speedily in the coming weeks!!

  • RE

    Wow! What an absolutely amazing article!! May we have the total Geulah now!

  • to # 1

    If Lubavitch Inc. did not get involved, why would they do so now when they have nothing to gain?

  • Wait a minute!

    It certainly seems that there is evil and harshness involved in this sentence. But how can anyone compare this to Dryfus?? SMR pled guilty in court, while Dryfus was completely framed for anti-Semitic purposes?

    Please understand: I am on SMR side. I have Davened with all the rest of us. But please have the facts straight. Compare this to Pollard, but not to Dryfus!

    And to #1: What’s wrong with what Rabbi Shemtov said? SMR was not persecuted because he was or is a Lubavitcher! Why in the world would you turn this into a lynching of Rabbi Shemtov? Even if Rabbi Shemtov was wrong (and he isn’t), what gives you the right to publicize his private information! You want Rachmonus from Hashem to get SMR released, have some AHAVAS YISROEL and RACHMONUS on someone else.

  • anon

    #2. Did you read the article? Where did Rabbi K say “lets be sad and give up”?? Hes not lamenting at all. He is saying that we as Kalal Yisroel have been pained by this incident, and we have THEREFORE shown an unbelievable amount of Ahavas Yisroel. This is what people should be doing – taking their pain and turning it into action (we will keep fighting) – and people have been doing it in wonderful numbers! He is underlining the perspective of Torah – that when we are pained – we need to act – and everyone is B”H acting. This is not lamenting this is the coming of Moshiach!

  • Jack

    To Commenter 2: ever heard of Emmett Till or Rubin Carter? This is “the Dryfus Affair”. America is not different.

  • OMG

    This article is reaches the heights of hypocrisy, how can a Rabbi claim any similarities to the Dreyfus case, where the whole prosecution was anti-Semitic in nature but this case was nothing more than a business model going awry, a business model which is exclusively set up to benefit from cheap labor i.e. illegal’s, the fact is that Agriprocessors was not closed down by the governments raid they couldn’t hire any new legal workers for $6.00 per hour, that is what ultimately brought Agri to its knees. Instead raising the simple issue that the none violent offenders, are being send away for a long time, and to push for change in the sentencing structure, you and others embarked on a losing mission. You are able to placate the masses in Borough Park, Crown Heights, but outside of your community your message is viewed in the same category as Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, nutty and inconsequential.

  • TO OMG,

    What type of creature are you? Who is your G-d?
    If you are not a Jew, which is hopefully the case, because it would be a true shame for a Jew to think and speak like you do, then why don’t you take your bigotry elsewhere? There ain’t anyone interested in your rubbish.
    If you are a Jew, may G-d have mercy on your soul, because you are obviously pitifully self hating. In your rush to judgment of a fellow Jew you overlook the raw facts: SHALOM RUBASHKIN WAS AQUITTED ON ALL COUNTS OF LAIBOR LAW VIALATION! how dare you, in the name of justice accuse where the law has found innocence???
    Your ugly essence has been revealed! You seek to find fault out of prejudice and hate. It’s more than likely that, had you been around during the Dryfus trial, you would have been on the side of the antiemetic prosecution. S H A M E O N Y O U ! ! !

  • I cant believe you #12

    Whatever Rubaskins issue was, whether he was guilty or not that is not what the outcry is about. The biggest reason that so many yidden got together to daven for (was beautiful to watch so many non lubavitchers – many misnagdim talk and daven for a lubavitcher) is the fact that this is blatant anti semitism that a Lubavitcher was found guilty of a white collar crime yet ends up with a life sentence!
    terrorists and murderers get a much lighter sentence.
    this is clear anti semitism just cos he looks different and was too powerful for the people in iowa.

    we all have to stand together and let americans know that in this day and age this injustice will not be tolerated!

  • Please comment!

    There is an article explaining the travesty of justice. Your supportive comments are important:

    As to this OMG fellow, he is known hater, pay him no attention. BTW, the workers were paid quite a bit more than $6 hour, I monitored the labor trial.


    Beutiful article! I and so many others were also inspired by SMR!! Yes, it is a shame that “Lubavitch – Chabad” can’t do anything with all their connections – WHY NOT?!?! They are afraid it will make them look bad??? Not to mention that SMR helped dozens (at least) chabad houses and made meat available to those “out there”, he is a fellow Lubavitcher and “Chassidim Ein Mishpachah” and “Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh Lazeh” and if one of us has a problem it is all of our problem!! (At least all the yidden in boro park etc. feel that way, it is a shame that Lubavitchers are the only ones with this problem) Is the mitzvah of pidyon shivuim only if the person is innocent?! (Which if SMR had been given a fair trial he would’ve gotten that verdict as well)A person must do EVERYTHING he is physically able to in order to release a yid from jail! If you have connections – use them!! In the old times when a yid was thrown in jail with his whole family for not paying the rent to the poritz, It was everyone’s problem to help him get out of jail, even though he was guilty for not paying the rent, if someone had connections he used them to help release this yid and his family!
    Let’s all do everything that we can to help another yid!!

  • OMG

    # 13, aren’t you a total hypocrite, you are willing to afford Rubashkin any all excuses and crown him as a martyr, all because his is a Jew, but because I am saying that in view Anti-Semitism didn’t factor into the harsh sentence and the issue is the crazy system which we as citizens brought on ourselves, you are willing to turn me into a none Jew, is my blood not as red as Rubashkins. Finally the charges of employing illegal’s was dropped he never was found not guilty, and the only reason it was dropped because the government said it is enough even if he was found guilty it would not change the sentencing because of the guidelines.
    # 14 I do agree with you point that the sentence was excessive but what reeks, that up to now we never heard a word out of the orthodox community, about the draconian sentences being given every day to numerous none violent felons. Usually the orthodox communities are marching I lock step with the conservative law and order types. And the only reason you had a few thousand people getting together is because it is one of yours, otherwise you wouldn’t care about all the others who sit in jail for many years.