Grand Opening of New Volgograd Synagogue
VOLGOGRAD, Russia -– Residents of Volgograd enjoyed a festive ceremony to mark the inauguration of the city’s new Synagogue. Hosted by Chief Rabbi of Volgograd Zalman Yoffe and his wife Yael who serves as the community chairman, the event involved Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and Alexander Boroda, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, in addition to key patrons, lay leaders and members of the local Jewish community.
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This historic building, located on the bank of the Volga River, was constructed at the outset of the 20th century but shut down during World War Two and afterwards used as a state utilities’ office. Amazingly, the war did not take a big toll on the Synagogue despite all the bombs that fell nearby, the only real damage being done by shrapnel and the bullets that were later pulled from its facade.
The restoration of the old Synagogue, made possible through the generous sponsorship of philanthropists Eduard Shifrin of Kiev and Alex Schneider of Toronto who’s Midland group has large holdings in Volgograd, took place over a period of two years. This 850-square-meter building now also hosts an educational and culture center, a computer room, reception room for visitors on Shabbat gatherings and holidays.
Following the inauguration, the Torah scrolls were carried into the Synagogue and local Jewish leaders laid the foundation stone of a monument to be built at the site of the mass shooting of Jews by Nazi forces. While this site was merely acknowledged on state maps until now, today the Jewish community of Volgograd is actively leading a competition for the best design for this important memorial. Its unveiling is expected to occur next year, coinciding with the 65th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battle victory.