University Students Team Up to Help Israel Fire Victims
As Israel begins the recovery process from wildfires which have destroyed thousands of homes, students affiliated with Chabad on Campus in Israel, and their counterparts thousands of miles away in the U.S., have sprung into action to help.
Beginning Wednesday, hundreds of university students across the United States and around the world made thousands of dollars in donations to a special fund set up by Chabad on Campus International. The funds will go directly to renovating homes of victims of the fire and other expenses, in an operation that is being conducted by Israeli university students affiliated with Chabad on Campus, in association with the Student Union from the University of Haifa and the City of Haifa. An anonymous donor has pledged to match up to $9,000 raised by the campaign which is setting a goal of $18,000 (approximately 69,000 Shekel).
The funds will go towards several initiatives organized by Chabad on Campus Israel and the Student Union. First, students will help guard houses that are uninhabitable, and along with the military academy in Haifa, ensure property and the remaining belongings are untouched. In addition, Chabad on Campus and Haifa University’s Student Union have arranged for building contractors to appraise the damage to torched homes and start work to repair them. Lastly, they are raising the morale of the brave firefighters, who have been working around the clock for over a week, with food, tefillin, and smiles.
Rabbis Aaron Leaf from the Technion and Lazer Klein from Campus Hanamal are also participating in the relief efforts.
“I am so proud of the Ahavat Yisrael (love for one’s fellow) displayed by our students here and in Israel,” said Rabbi Yossy Gordon, Executive Vice President of Chabad on Campus International based in New York. “We prayed and watched with concern from around the world as these wildfires fires caused terrible damage and left thousands homeless. University students who attend Chabad in Israel were quick to begin their relief efforts on several fronts and now their fellow students in the diaspora are happy to have the opportunity to join in those efforts.”
Rabbi Dovid Kurtz, Director of the Israeli branch of Chabad on Campus, praised the student’s motivation to help those in need. “Students really want to work to help the community. We just need to help point them in the right direction, and they hit the ground running. Naturally, Chabad Houses have great partnerships with both the Student Union [of University of Haifa] and the City of Haifa, and we got to work.”
Rabbi Tanchum Rivkin, Chabad Shaliach at the University of Haifa, was at the Kinus HaShluchim (Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries) in New York when the fires broke out. He shortened his trip, and rushed back to Israel to help with the efforts. “This campaign is in place to help provide the victims of the fires whatever they need. From furniture to personal belongings. In times of crisis, sometimes the bureaucratic process delays the government from helping right away. We are here to fill that gap and provide immediate assistance in any way we can.”