A Model Practice Seder Made of Chocolate
by Etti Krinsky – Lubavitch.com
Mrs. Raizel Schusterman, of Peabody, MA, was looking for something more exciting than the run-of-the-mill model Seders she had been doing for years with her Hebrew school students. During a conversation with a friend, she came up with the answer:
Three years ago, Shusterman’s Hebrew school students enjoyed a completely chocolate model Seder for the very first time. From chocolate Seder plates, to four cups of chocolate milk, the students got their chocolate fix through all fifteen steps of the Seder.
The second year, the parents wanted in and were invited to join their children. This year, in response to the many requests from interested families who heard about the event, the model Seder on April 13th is open to everyone!
Together with her husband, Nechemia, and her talented and devoted staff of teachers, Raizel will be conducting an inspiring Seder, preparing guests with the customs, songs, and insights to the Hagaddah for their own family Seders when the real thing starts on April 22nd at sundown.
A mom
So creative!!! Love it
So cute
How is this Halachicly allowed on Pesach?? A lot of these things aren’t even kosher for Pesach…..
It might be cute but what happened to the gold old halachos????
I think it’s giving people the wrong message
to some of the complainers.
This is a MODEL Seder.
It helps to get people interested by doing something fun. A lot of people will come back for a real Seder and more Jewish Activities.
To the Schusterman’s , keep up Beautiful and Sweet work :)
From a Happy Concerned Citizen ,Reb Gershon.
Chag Kosher Vsamaach all.
Moshiach Now !