Locals and Tourists Light 1st Candle in Kathmandu
Backpackers and locals gathered at Chabad of Kathmandu, Nepal to celebrate the first night of Chanukah and light the first candle on the Menorah.
“So much light, happiness and unity in Kathmandu!!!” wrote Shliach Rabbi Chezki Lifshitz, “Jews that live here together with backpackers and even locals came together to celebrate and draw inspiration from the big light of the miracle of Chanukah.”
חנו-קטמנדו :) כל אחד הוא אור איתן!
Posted by Chezki Chani Lifshitz on Sunday, December 6, 2015
Chanuka sameach!
To this wonderful shluchim!
Looking forward to see you here with us in lsrael!!
( l’m from Naharyia… the shlucha is supposed to talk here in a few days imr”H’!!)