TODAY: JNet Matching Donation Campaign
JNet is launching a 24 hour matching campaign to help meet the growing need of Jews all over the world for personal one-on-one Torah learning. Help them maximize their volunteer based impact on people. Here is an example:
Today, every dollar you donate to JNet will be matched by THREE additional donors!
So, please, click here now and make a donation.
Julia A. is a 25-year-old accountant working for a fashion company. Not having been involved with Judaism other than the fact that she is a Jew, her local rebbetzin suggested that she sign up for JNet.
JNet finds suitable study partners for any Jew, anywhere, to study any Jewish subject with an over-the-phone chavrusa once a week free of charge. One phone call was all it took to get the ball rolling and within a few hours, Julia had been set up with Sarah S. from Chicago. Now, Julia and Sarah study Tanya every Tuesday.
“Now, I can open a [Torah] book, read it, and apply it to my everyday life,” Julia relates. “Now I know what it means to take more mitzvos upon myself. JNet taught me that everything has a meaning, everything that happens is for a purpose.”
Julia’s learning was sponsored by Menachem L., a Brooklyn businessman. “I didn’t have the time to commit to actually learning with someone myself and this was a way I could still be part of it,” says Menachem.
Through the partnership of Menachem and donors like him, JNet has been setting up an average of six new members every day. More than 7,800 have been partnered over the past 10 years, with thousands like Julia reporting a positive, life altering experience. Join JNet in its remarkable work and help meet the ever increasing demand for personalized Torah study.
Today, Thursday, December 3, all donations to JNet will be matched by three additional donors, multiplying every dollar you donate by FOUR! That means that you can sponsor four JNet study sessions for the price of one!
So, please, take a moment now to visit www.jnet.org/donate and make a donation. Large or small, your gift will help us be able to continue helping Jews like Julia for whom JNet is a veritable lifeline through which to sustain their connection to Judaism. $54,000 must be reached today in order for our donors to match the donations. It’s all or nothing! For more information, visit jnet.org or call 718-467-4400.
JNet’s Women’s Program Video
JNet Matchathon Promo Video
About JNet
JNet was started in November 2005 to fill the need for a more personal, fulfilling and convenient way for Jews to connect to their heritage.
JNet provides business people, students and homemakers the opportunity to take some time out of their busy work week to study Torah from the comfort of their homes, on the phone or online.
JNet is a project of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and was established with a generous grant from the Rohr Foundation.
Today, every dollar you donate to JNet will be matched by THREE additional donors!
So, please, click here now and make a donation.
donate your money and your time
become a chavruta, and your life will be enriched whil enriching someone else’s too