The Jacksonville Community Mikvah, Mikvah Yaakov Yoel, at Chabad Lubavitch of Northeast Florida in Jacksonville, FL was inaugurated yesterday, Sunday January 6th. This Mikvah is described as a spa for the body as well as the soul.

Chabad of Jacksonville Innaugurate New Mikvah

The Jacksonville Community Mikvah, Mikvah Yaakov Yoel, at Chabad Lubavitch of Northeast Florida in Jacksonville, FL was inaugurated yesterday, Sunday January 6th. This Mikvah is described as a spa for the body as well as the soul.


  • Yossi Kahanov

    Yossi Kahanov
    and family are amazing they should have only simchas gezunterheit, with loads of harchova!

    From an old family freind


  • its from the top nice mikvas

    just amazing. (just to point out that it would be a bit more safe to put some kind of bar or whatever around the pool)

  • Mosha

    Banda Yakov Yoel…. He was the president of Diamond Dealers Club in Manhattan.

  • Akiva L.

    Yossi, beautiful may Yakov Yoel see lots of Nachas from you and the whole family.

  • happymom

    Reb Yakov Yoel gave endlessly to so many people and causes throughout his life. May this be a zchus for his neshama. May he see lots of nachas from his lovely family.

  • Yoliy Harfen

    Reb Yakov Yoil must be so proud, he was such a wonderfull person, and he left behind such nice kids,the apple does not fall far from the trunk.

  • Mazal Tov!

    Yossie! Mazal Tov it looks beautiful, much hatzlocho and gezunt v’chol tuv.
    the 501’s