Shooting Victims Remembered at Chakuah Event

Greenbay Press-Gazette

Rabbi Michoel Feinstein explains the importance behind lighting a Menorah for Hanukkah on Saturday outside the Jewish Community Center, 220 Bellevue St.

In the darkest of times, members of the Jewish faith in Green Bay lit candles Saturday night to commemorate Hanukkah and point the way to a brighter future.

Participants gathered with heavy hearts in the aftermath of Friday’s shooting rampage that killed 28 people in Connecticut, including 20 small children.

“Whenever we see darkness, that is also an opportunity to illuminate,” Rabbi Michoel Feinstein told about 25 people outside the Jewish Community Center, 220 Bellevue St.

The ceremony involved the lighting of the Menorah candles, a traditional part of the eight-day Hanukkah celebration, which concludes today.

Daniel Zarate, who relocated to Green Bay from California not long ago, said the holiday is a special and happy time of year for him. But he could not put the tragedy in Connecticut out of his thoughts.

Zarate said he hoped the children and others who perished in the gun violence were at peace.

“It’s really sad,” he said. “No one wishes that to any family.”

During the 3rd annual outdoor candle lighting at the Jewish Community Center, participants sang songs and heard messages of Jewish faith, then moved inside for a traditional holiday feast.

Esther Feinstein, the rabbi’s wife, said that while many Christians see the holiday season as a time for fun, Jews interpret it as a moment of miracles. For Esther, joining together with friends and family is miracle enough.

“I love the energy when everyone gets together,” she said.

Joining the festivities were U.S. Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Sherwood, and Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt, both of whom observed the Menorah lighting and addressed the crowd. Both referred to the Connecticut shootings in their remarks.

“If there ever was a time that we could use the light of God and the spirit of God,” Ribble said, “it’s right now.”

Schmitt noted that people of different faiths had come together for the Hanukkah event. Their common bond, he said, was religious faith.

“Life is difficult,” he said. “But it’s easier when you have faith.”

Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt and U.S. Rep. Reid Ribble participate in the Menorah lighting ceremony with Rabbi Michoel Feinstein on Saturday outside the Jewish Community Center.