Hewlett Chabad Creates Free Loan Society

Five Towns Patch

A fund has been created to provide free loans to families in need in the Long Island community of Hewlett, one of the Five Towns, local Chabad Rabbi Nochum Tenenboim announced.

Chabad of Hewlett, which recently opened their doors in the community, will be providing interest-free loans for community members that have suffered loses as a result of Hurricane Sandy.

These monies can be used when insurance or other recovery money is slow to distributed and local families have needs that just can’t wait. Rabbi Tenenboim says, “As we look forward to the long-term recovery of our neighborhood, we know that people will need help to get ‘their feet on the ground’ until insurance or other money become available. We would like to announce the formation of a Gemach: Chabad of Hewlett — Free Loan Society.”

A GEMACH is a free-loan fund that subscribes to the positive Torah commandment of lending money as well as the Torah prohibition against charging interest on a loan. “Thank G-d the electricity went back on and so many people are doing better. We know of no injuries, but know there are still many families suffering,” said Tenenboim.

The fund has been set-up by the Chabad of Hewlett community after hearing so many stories of difficulty and suffering. It is expected that after the pain of Hurricane Sandy has passed, the fund will continue as a resource to the community. Chabad of Hewlett has provided hot meals and other essentials to those whose lives have been disrupted in the past week since the hurricane. They have also helped with housing arrangements, and have made visits to the isolated elderly and others.

“Those who want to help build capital in the fund through a contribution should also contact me,” Tenenboim continued, “any amount is appreciated and those who give will have the satisfaction that the funds will be used locally in our community. Together as a community we can made real difference.”