Construction Set to Begin on Orlando Mikvah
Amid much anticipation, construction is set to begin on Chabad of Orlando’s beautiful new Mikvah, which will be within walking distance to the South Orlando Jewish community and to many of the hotels and tourist attractions in the area.
For nearly twenty years, the city of Orlando has had only one Mikvah, operated by Chabad of Greater Orlando, to service the locals and the thousands of families who spend Yomim Tovim and Yeshivah breaks in the area’s famous theme parks.
The new Mikvah, operated by Chabad of South Orlando, under the leadership of Rabbi Yosef Konikov, will be the second Chabad mikvah in the city, and will be closer to the tourist centers. The Mikvah is being built on Chabad’s beautiful new campus on West Sand Lake Road.
Chabad has had a strong presence in Orlando for over thirty years, with more than five centers servicing the city residents and university students, in addition to many more centers in the city’s suburbs and outlying towns.
Chabad of Orlando also operates a preschool, a day school, a summer camp, hebrew school, a daily shul, and hundreds of programs and classes throughout the year. For more information visit JewishOrlando.com.
proud uncle
Way to go yoisef and chany,now all tourists (besides locals)can use a mikva,ESPECIALLY erev pesach,!!!!
can you please post in your add how to donate $ for this special mitzvah?
link to donate