Video: Cops Pull Over Texas Shliach; Give Different Kind of ‘Ticket’

An amazing ‘feel-good’ phenomenon has been sweeping social media this holiday season: police officers pull over motorists for minor infractions and instead of giving tickets, the officers are handing out gifts of cash or presents. One Texas Shliach was ‘ensnared’ in this holiday endeavor.

Reporters from the Houston, Texas, TV station KPRC rode along with HPD police officers; one of those ‘caught’ was Shliach Rabbi Betzalel Marinovsky. Watch the video below to hear what he says he will do with his gift.

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  • Kind of happened here

    This happened long ago (89 or 1990), right here, in Crown Heights.

    My friend told me that a couple of policemen, following behind an ice-cream truck one night, hollered at him, ferociously, through the speaker, for him to pull over. So, he pulled over, with a stunned look on his face as if to say,”What’s going on, what did I do?!” The policemen, smiling, went up to his window:”Two ice-cream cones, please…”

  • No Thanks

    I’d rather the police just let me go about my business, and they go about theirs.


    Stop hating. The police have a very hard job and this is just a show of good faith. As we say in hebrew “kol hakavod” meaning “good job”. Trust the police, they are there for our protection and if your not doing anything wrong than there is nothing you sh I uld be worried about.

  • to #3

    what rights? the anchor said they were all pull over for minor violations, that means they were pulled over for a reason…

  • Anonymous

    this was in the news earlier this month, an anonymous donor annually gives money for the cops to distribute to random people like this. Happy a shliach was one recipient! there’s no “trampling of rights” here or anything negative, don’t be a typical poster and say negative things, that’s not what the Rebbe was about!