Young Shlucha Celebrates Bas Mitzvah with Community
More than 300 men, women children, grandparents and great-grandparents gathered together for the bat mitzvah of Gitty Lipszyc, daughter of Rabbi Moishe Meir and Penina Lipszyc.
The celebration began under a big tent in the parking lot behind the shul of Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale on Galt Ocean Mile. The wind was blowing, but it couldn’t blow out the strong Jewish presence that blared from stereo speakers blasting Israeli and Yiddish music up and down the mile.
Waiters passed out kosher appetizers to the guests and an open bar served up cocktails and wines.
Passersby looked in on the outdoor Jewish celebration with admiration, but that was not always the enthusiasm that was demonstrated to the Jewish community in this affluent oceanfront oasis. Today, that is no longer the case and it was Rabbi Lipszyc who paved the way for an increased amount of Jewish presence in the area.
The young rabbi set up shop 21 years ago in the former Frances Brewster clothing store on A1A and Galt Ocean Mile and slowly added a Jewish ambience to the neighborhood. First it was weekly services, then a pre-school, adult education classes, Café Emunah, a kosher restaurant and a men and women’s mikvah. The rabbi also went to the manager of the Winn Dixie Super Market and convinced the store to handle a line of kosher foods.
Young families with Jewish children started moving into the neighborhood and condos began to allow children to live in the buildings.
During the holiday of Sukkot, there is a celebration for the community and the same is true for all Jewish holidays.
Spreading seeds of Judaism throughout the year, the rabbi couldn’t resist his daughter’s bat mitzvah as an opportunity to encourage residents to celebrate the Shabbat by lighting candles. Each guest at the bat mitzvah went home with a box of Sabbath candles. They also went home with the latest Haggadah for the upcoming celebration of Passover.
The bat mitzvah girl also asked guests to do mitzvahs. Guests were asked to take a leaf from a mitzvah tree and perform a mitzvah in the coming year.
“I was named after my grandmother Gitty,” Gitty said. “I want to have her passion and confidence and follow the teachings of the Rebbe.”
Penina and Rabbi Moishe Meir debated what gift to give their daughter for her bat mitzvah gift.
“We could have bought her an Ipad or some other gadget but we wanted to give her something meaningful that she would cherish,” said Rabbi Lipszyc.
The gift Gitty received was a painting of herself with the rebbe giving her a special prayer book.
“This was a great day for Gitty and for the rabbi and her family,” said Irene Brenner. “Who would have ever thought that a Jewish celebration like this would be taking place 30 years ago on Galt Ocean Mile?”
Wow soo nice!!!! The Lipsyc are special people!!!!!
motti lipszyc
thet is my kazen
Are Shluchim listening to the Rebbe?
What happened to the Rebbe’s instructions re a basmitsvah being a quiet celebration with a girl’s female friends and relatives?
Something along the lines of a Motzei Shabbos Melava Malka?
Mazel Tov Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov Mazel Tov.
From Moshe Lipszyc Toronto
Penina you look beautiful
Boruch Sholom Wolf
Mazel Tov!
Bukiets from chicago
Mazal Tov Much Nachas.
it-s chof zayin Adar...remember?
To #3
Sometimes, when a person thinks he/she knows something, it’s the time to realize he/she knows NOTHING.
Firstly, Shluchim are in a different position than the rest of us. They have a community that needs to be inspired. Imagine YOU are a Shliach & you make a nice, fancy BAR Mitzvah but for your daughter, her coming-of-age is in comparison, a hole-in-the-corner affair. Just imagine the stereotypical, negative comments about second-class citizens.
Secondly, a Bar/Bas Mitzvah for Shluchim is a public affair. That’s the nature of the beast: Shluchim “belong” to their communities. I can only imagine how offended people would be if they were (even accidentally) not included in any celebration. What do you expect them to do, give everyone a cookie & say thanks for coming?
We followed the directives of the Rebbe for our girls…very low key, in the house. But we are not Shluchim. There’s a big difference.
Finally….today is Gitty’s Bas Mitzvah. While her mother, Bubbies, classmates & female relatives & friends are enjoying a lively celebration (including, appropriately, a D’var Torah & the Rebbe’s letter) Moshe Meir is leading a Chassidishe farbrengen for men…IN MY APARTMENT. I think that’s appropriate, don’t you? Look at the date.
Instead of being so negative & critical, try being happy for a remarkable family who are amazing Shluchim & who have made a huge difference in Florida.
your friends
mazel tov!!!
may you make only simchas and nachas from children.
penina and gitty ,you look beautiful.
A Friend
Mazel Tov Gitty! So happy for you! Many many more years of only revealed happiness & goodness!!! <3 your friend
amazing gift idea, does anyone know where i could have one done?
Totally agree with #3
at least make it for women only. Totally hepech the Rebbe’s Rotzon
I was wondering the same thing.Can someone please respond to this.The Rebbe is extremely clear about this.Like a good boy I followed The Rebbes instructions and made a quiet gathering on Shabbos for my daughters class and then shes upset why every girl in her class (including Shluchois) had large affairs.Please dont respond that its for “Hafotzah” .Aderaba!
To #9
The problem is that Shluchim are among other things expected to set an example for Anash.The Rebbes shita is Mekarvin Ltoirah,not the other way around.If a Bas Mitzvah is supposed to be a small in house affair how can you be doing “Hafotzah’ in The Rebbes name by doing the opposite.
Mazal Tov Moshe Meir and Penina. May you be blessed with lots of nachas from all your children mitoich simcha v’harchovo!
An old and dear friend over the other side of the big pond
mazel tov to the young lady and parents… may ur life be sweet
When you are on Shluchus – everything is an opportunity for education & hafatzah. When we make an upshernish we can just make lechayim & cut hair but instead we use it as an opportunity to educate & spread awarness & have your community(who are your friends) celebrate with you.
Most Bat Mitzvah that we attend in our community are literately just a party with lots of rock music & dancing & food etc. Thousands of dollars are spent on Shtusim. When we make our daughters a Bas Mitzvah its a time to show our community what a Yidishe Simchah is like. First of all most people in our community grow up with our children – not to be invited will be an insult. When we had our daughters Bas Mitzvah it was a woman event only. We made a nice classy affair. We focused on the 3 Mitzvos of Woman. I spoke, My daughter said a dvar Torah – we read the Rebbe’s letter, gave tzedokah & danced to Jewish Music. I can’t describe to you what a Kiddush Hashem this is. The ladies left with such a positive taste – they were able to see that one can have a Bas Mitzvah with meaning, simcha & not just party. They learned how Bas Mitzvah is time for continued growth & responsibility not just party & go on with life. On shlichus the Rebbe always wanted everything to be used as an opportunity of learning & teaching. If we would live in CH my daugther would have a Bas Mitzvah for family & friends. Here on shlichus our community is our family & friends.We don’t have that many friends our of our shluchus community – this is were we spent most of our married life.
Where do shluchim draw the line?
To #9- do the shluchim really have a different Shulchan Aruch?
Did the Rebbe say:“ These Haroois are for everyone except the shluchim?” Is that ok when Shluchim also feel they should dress less appropriately to fit in? Where does a shliach draw the line between what the Rebbe said is for everyone and when they can make an exception because they are shluchim.
What message are they giving their kids?
why cant ppl only give positive comments??!!! i think the Rebbe would be more happy to see people writing only good things of one another, where is your ahavat israel. Just think that this little girl will be seeing all these comments, and it might upset her.
just be happy she can celebrate with her community her special day…..
gittele, is a gorgeous girl, and she deserves a beautiful party like she had!
Modesty still maintained!
To # 18
Good for you! As a shlucha you still remained true to hosting a Basmitzvah that was modest with women only. You showed your community that one make a basmitzvah a classy event with out compromising on Tznuis or turning it into a copy-cat- Barmitzvah like secular Jews are doing!
its great to hear of simchas but why is this one particularly news worthy . mael tov and lots of nachas anyways
moishe meyer
the best guy around
Dina stern
Dear gitty,you look amazing outstanding it was the best bas mitzvah
You EVER made
Love your fave dina stern