Couple Honored for Rescuing West Coast Chabad HQ

It was the largest rabbinic gathering in the history of West Coast Chabad. On Sunday, March 4, Chabad’s 260 rabbis — emissaries of The Rebbe from up and down the states of California and Nevada — gathered in Westwood to celebrate the 40th Annual West Coast Kinus HaShluchim and to pay tribute to Shlomo Yehuda and Tamar Rechnitz, pillars of chesed in California and throughout the world, who stepped forward last year and courageously rescued the West Coast Chabad Headquarters from financial distress.

Despite their commitment to the Torah virtue of “run away from honor,” Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz have become recognized as one of the most generous and committed philanthropists in the Torah-observant world today. Whether enabling thousands of Torah students to dedicate their days and nights to study, or the thousands who are helped by their generous, yet very private giving, Rechnitz is one of the bearing pillars of the global Torah community.

With their pure, humble and unassuming manner that allows people from all walks of life to feel comfortable and respected in their presence, Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz personify the word “chesed,” and they are leading the world by example.

Perhaps this is why Chabad and Rechnitz have become ‘brothers in alms,’ helping so many thousands in need and providing Torah education to children, adults and seniors in virtually every community throughout the West Coast.

And so, on Sunday, Chabad’s emissaries joined together in Westwood to say “Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz, thank you for saving our house.”

Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin, The Rebbe’s Head Shliach on the West Coast, presented the award to Rechnitz with blessings, gratitude and appreciation on behalf of all of The Rebbe’s Shluchim. “I know that the hundreds of community leaders who stand before you tonight all share a single thought,” Rabbi Cunin said, “We would not be gathered here together today if not for your generous kindness. ‘Hinei ma tov u’ma naim, sheves achim gam yachad.’”

The inscription on the award reads, “Presented to Shlomo Yehuda and Tamar Rechnitz, with eternal gratitude for your towering and selfless commitment to chesed, and your courageous rescue of the Chabad West Coast Headquarters.” It concludes with the Talmudic adage (Sotah 14, a) “The Torah begins and ends with acts of kindness.”

Rabbi Cunin concluded the presentation with the riveting words: ”Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz are a wellspring of vitality and nourishment for the landscape of Torah true Judaism. And through their kindness and giving, Torah continues to flourish throughout the world.”

The theme of the convention was “Emuna, Simcha and Bitachon — strengthening our faith through joy in the final moments of Golus” to hasten the revelation of Moshiach. The convention sessions throughout the day included topics of Jewish law, Chassidic philosophy and Talmud on a variety of subjects, and lectures by leading scholars on the study of Rambam, a global campaign launched by The Rebbe that has just completed its 30th cycle of daily study. Lecturers included Rabbi Shimon Raichik (Congregation Levi Yitzchak), Rabbi Eli Hecht (Chabad of Lomita), Rabbi Naftali Estulin (Chabad Russian Center), Rabbi Avraham Zajac (Chabad of South La Cienega), Rabbi Mendel Cohen (Chabad of Sacramento), and Rabbi Elimelech Gurevitch (Chabad of Laguna Beach).

The banquet and Farbrengen included presentations and words of inspiration by Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (Chabad of Belmont Shores), Rabbi Zalman Marcus (Chabad of Mission Viejo), Rabbi Yehoshua Gordon (Chabad of The Valley), Rabbi Yonah Fradkin (Chabad of S. Diego) and Rabbi Ezra Binyomin Schochet (Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad). Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin delivered the keynote address with prayers and a renewed commitment to do all that is in our power to hasten the arrival of Moshiach.

Photos by David Miller


  • WOW!

    He deserved the huge thanks!
    Amazing person and he will have amazing Zechus for what he has done for the world, for the Jewish people.

  • anonymous

    I want to say a yasher koach to Shlomo and tamar on what milestone they have done for cali. May they go from strength to strength and much naches from all there children.

  • fellow californian

    I would like to give a special yasher Koach to Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz on the tremendous chesed they have done. May they go from strength to strength til 120 I”YH. May they have much naches from all there children.

  • Shliach in Long Island, NY

    Yasher Koiach Rabbi Rechnitz and mishpocho. You are truly an inspiration. The only thing that exceeds your chessed is your ahavas yisroel. May you be zoche to many generations of gvirim, talmidei chachomim, yreim v’shleimim etc. and in general progeny that bring to you and klal yisroel only an abundance of joy and nachas.

  • To #6

    I agree. It was painful to hear about this, especially in California. How did it get so bad in Ca. They were wonderful to help, and a big Yasher Koiach. Bottom line, how can we avoid such a thing.

  • leibel

    Shlomo is Rabbi Belsky shlit“as Rosh Yeshiva of Tora Vodaas’ son in law.He is a very special person also known as one half of the ”twin towers”.(people from LA know what I mean)

  • wishing for a diff article next time

    Unbeleivable. What the olam should be seeing is an article entitled “Rabbi Cunnin hires CFO, creates formal BOs and creates greater transparancy for the institution known as Chabad of the West Coast.” This bailout is a plug and will repeat unless sustainable change is implemented. The Rebbe was in favor of being repsonsible. Shluchim around the world learn from Chabad of CA in many aspects of shlichos. Fiduciary responsibility should be an area that needs to be enhances and can be learning point for the rest of the works as well. Downfall is an opportunity to capitalize upon for controlled growth.