Chabad School Celebrates Students’ Achievements
The students at Chabad Hebrew School of Orange County, NY, directed by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, recently received awards and recognition for their achievements in the innovative “Aleph Champ” Hebrew program.
Aleph Champ incorporates the color system used in martial arts –“white belt” to “black belt” – to motivate Hebrew reading at Chabad Hebrew Schools. Students develop their Hebrew reading and writing skills while they sit at color coded tables with instructors. They receive “stripes” on their color coded bookmarks, and when they pass a full color level, they become a “Champ” of that level. They also engage in creative learning activities according to their color.
“Aleph Champ Game Time is definitely one of the highlights of Hebrew School,” says Chana Burston, who directs Chabad Hebrew School together with her husband, Rabbi Pesach Burston. “Students are split into small groups according to their reading level and play everything from “Aleph-Bet baseball,” to “Step on It” and “Hebrew Bingo” – and many more exciting games.
“This innovative and unique system allows students to experience a healthy amount of competitive motivation – but most importantly, gives children tangible goals to achieve,” says Rabbi Pesach Burston, “They recognize if they invest effort, they will reach the next milestone, and be rewarded. We have seen wonderful results.”
Students celebrate their efforts both at the Mid-Year Awards Ceremony, and finally at the End-of-Year Celebration.
Students who pass an entire level receive “Aleph Champ Medallions” in the color they have mastered, as well as a Certificate of Achievement and a balloon in their level color. Students who received stripes enjoy special prizes.