State-of–the Art Mikvah Dedicated in San Antonio
Over one hundred women from the local Jewish community gathered on Sunday, January 19th, 2014 – the 18th of Shevat, 5774 – to dedicate the new Mikvah at the Chabad Center for Jewish Life & Learning in San Antonio, Texas.
Delicious refreshments and mimosas greeted the participants who came to celebrate the event. Following remarks by Mrs. Rivkie Block, head Shlucha in San Antonio, guest speaker Rebbitzin Goldie Plotkin of Toronto, Canada address the crowd and spoke about the importance and relevance of Taharas Hamispachah-Family Purity in modern times. Following the lecture and dedication, Mikvah tours were given of the new facility. The new Mikvah, a spa-like facility is graced by a beautiful custom mural by artist Michoel Muchnik which depicts the three special Mitzvos of women and the Jewish home.
For many in the audience, it was the most beautiful Mikvah they had ever seen. Yet for others, it was their first encounter with this special Mitzvah.
“We hope that by opening this beautiful Mikvah, a blessing and jewel of our community, many families will be warmed and enriched by the beautiful Mitzvah of Taharas Hamishpachah” said Mrs. Malkie Marrus, shlucha in San Antonio.
This special project began four years ago by Rabbi Yossi and Malkie Marrus as an expression of thanksgiving to the Almighty for the miraculous recovery of Mrs. Marrus. “We are very grateful to G-d Almighty and all the donors and supporters, and most notably Uri & Bassie Laber of Miami, FL for their generous contribution that enabled this magnificent Mikvah to come to fruition” said Rabbi Yossi Marrus, of Chabad.
For more information and to tour the Mikvah, please visit www.ChabadSA.com/MIkvah.
Goldie Plotkin
Is the best….last year the featured speaker at the convention, this year this. Your work is Unbelievable! we are all so proud.
This Mikvah is absolutely beautiful. May it bring much Bracha and Mazel to the community
old head counselor
Rivkie you look younger than ever.
Malkie you did it!
a very very old head counselor!