Birthright Trip Leaders Honored
Taglit-Birthright Israel: Mayanot and Chabad on Campus across the United States have been partners nearly since the free trips to Israel began 14 years ago. Through the years, a couple hundred different Chabad on Campus Rabbis and Rebbetzins have led more than 25,000 students through Eretz Yisroel on such trips.
Through it all, two men stood strong and committed to the cause of bringing the next generation of Jewish people to experience their land, their birthright.
On Wednesday night, Mayanot Israel and Taglit-Birthright Israel came together in Jerusalem to honor these two dedicated and devoted Shluchim.
Rabbi Dov Hillel Klein, director of Chabad at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, just outside of Chicago, culminated his 30th trip at the helm shortly after the ceremony to honor him.
Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman, director of the Chabad House at the University of Delaware was presented a gift by his 25th group followed by a presentation from Mayanot.
“I truly feel privileged and honored to be able to lead these trips,” said Rabbi Klein after he was presented a plaque with the inscription, “Ben shloshim L’koach” – “At thirty one achieves real strength.”
“These trips change people’s lives… just this Saturday night, I bumped into a young man who is now living in Israel. He was on my very first trip. After that, he joined the army, served three years, made Aliyah, married a Jewish girl and lives here,” Rabbi Klein continued.
Levi Margolin, Mayanot’s Shliach coordinator and Social Media and Engagement Strategist, emceed both events and introduced the guests that assembled for the ceremonies.
“We gathered the people that make this happen to honor the Rabbis, the people that value their deep commitment and continued efforts on behalf of Taglit-Birthright Israel, on behalf of Mayanot and on behalf of the Jewish people,” Margolin said. “It is our honor and privilege to work with them.”
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner, Director of the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies and Danny Sack, director of Mayanot’s Taglit-Birthright Israel program, both offered their congratulations to the Rabbis.
Danny Sack spoke his many years of partnership with both Rabbi Klein and Sneiderman and pointed out that these two are “not just trip leaders, they put their heart and soul into it. They work for months ahead of time” to create the perfect trip, itinerary and atmosphere for each and every participant.
“Each trip Rabbi Klein leads is literally like his first,” Danny told the group. Of Rabbi Sneiderman, he said “the Rabbi is a true partner. He’s involved in every aspect, beyond the recruiting and the leading. He’s involved in our educational programming, and staff coordination and more.”
Matthew Ackerman, Director of Recruitment for Taglit-Birthright Israel attended both ceremonies and extended congratulations to the Rabbis on behalf of the organization. Speaking of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Ackerman stated that “he strived to bring one more mitzvah to every single Jew by inspiring an army to reach every corner of the world.” Both Rabbis, he explained, devoted their life to this cause as part of that army.
“Leading Taglit-Birthright Israel trips is part of that mission to connect Jewish people to their history and tradition” he said. “We value and honor their partnership and commitment.”
“As recruitment director, I certainly look forward to the next 25 trips and 1,000 students you’ll bring” Ackerman said jokingly to Sneiderman.
Also among the guests were Shmulik Israel and Arnon Katz of ‘Masa Yehudi,’ (The Jewish Journey), the company that coordinates Mayanot‘s on the ground arrangements in Israel for several years. Both Katz and Israel have been involved with Mayanot’s trips nearly since inception in one aspect or another (as tour guides, madrichim, coordinators and more) and have worked closely with Rabbi Klein and Rabbi Sneiderman throughout.