Clockwise from top: (1) Rabbi Geisinsky flanked by the EMTs who treated him. (2) Rabbi Geisinsky with his his sister Mrs. Wolowick and son Dovid. (3) - Dr. Kalimi is presented with a plaque and is flanked by his family.

Community Celebrates Shliach’s Miraculous Recovery

One year ago, on the second day of Chanukah, December 10, 2012, 9-year-old Dovid Geisinsky walked into a room to find his father, Rabbi Yosef Geisinsky, director of Chabad of Great Neck, lying on the floor unconscious.

Amid the whirlwind of emergency treatment that followed, a member of the medical staff said to his wife, Mrs. Chana Geisinsky: “He was such a good man,” certain that he wouldn’t make it. Miraculously, after a half hour of trying, the doctors were able to detect a heartbeat.

Over the next several days, Jews all over the world and of all stripes mobilized to say Tehilim and pray for the beloved Rabbi’s recovery.

About two and a half weeks later, on December 28, Rabbi Geisinsky walked out of the hospital on his own two feet and returned to his family in good health.

The verdict of the doctors was unanimous. What they had witnessed was a miracle.

This past Sunday, hundreds of friends, relatives and supporters gathered at the newly-built Great Neck Chabad Center for a Seudas Hodaa, a feast of thanks to Hashem for the special Chanukah miracle he bestowed upon the Geisinsky family and the Great Neck Jewish community one year earlier.

The following video was compiled in honor of the occasion, and presented at the event:

(Photos by Imperial Imaging and Chabad of Great Neck)

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  • Thank You for posting!

    Thank you so much for posting this moving video! so often we read about the sad deaths of people or the scary refua shelaima’s needed, it is so nice that b”h we were able to here the “epilogue” to the scary refua shelaima bakasha from a year ago.
    This family looks like an amazing family in an amazing city, with devoted friends and relatives.
    May Rabbi Geisinsky have continued strength and koach to continue in his shlichus!

  • Sha'Assa Nissim..Bizman Hazeh

    We join in expressing our brochas: Sha’Assa Nissim…Bayomim Haheim Bizman Hazeh, to our precious and beloved mechutonim, Yossi and Chanie,

    You are the most incredible .parents, with such precious children, each and every one of them.

    A collective thank you is due for this video. Thanks to the super amazing multi-talented Tzivi, who was author/editor/director/producer of this video.

    Best wishes of nachas and bsuros tovos.

  • Yitzchok Halevi

    Truly inspiring and uplifting. The malach hamoves could not compete with achdus yisroel, insisting that he remain with us.

  • Beautiful!

    What a beautiful video! So well done! most importantly the miracle was truly revealed!

  • Chana

    What a mind blowing tear jerking video!
    I sat and cried all the way through it!
    What an open revealed miracle B”H! May all of us be zoicher to such miracles in our lives wherever they may be needed! and may Hashem bless this most amazing man and his family with long gezunter lives, with nachas from his wonderful families, and kol tuv!
    Thank you for giving us the privilege of watching this video, it strengthened our emunah in Hashem greatly