Chanukah Light Reaches Depths of the Amazon

The most popular tourist attraction in Manaus, the largest city in Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest, is the historic Amazon Theater – which became the site of a public Menorah Ceremony on the second night of Chanukah.

People were very excited as this was the first time such an event was made in such an iconic location.

The attendees were entertained with music from Choni Milecki‘s recordings, which brought everyone to their feet with an upbeat dance.

Delicious homemade ‘sufganiyot’ were distributed, along with Channukah gelt to all those in attendance.

Yellow balloons were sent in the air, as each person made a decision of a new mitzvah they would do in honor of Chanukah.

Adding to the historic event, a special T-shirt was made with the event logo and “I was there” written in Portuguese.

The Menorah was lit by Rabbi Arieh Raichman; the event was organized by the Beit Chabad of Manaus.

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  • Shelley Basch

    We know there are jews in every corner of the world!
    To see judaism with them, makes us all very proud!
    Shekoach Rabbi Arieh Raichman and his Family!

  • So special!!!!

    Kol Hakavod to Rabbi Arieh Raichman and his right hand Rebbetzin Dvora Leah Raichman! Beautiful! Great event, balloons and even home made sufganyot!!!!! Yashe Koach!!!1