S. Paulo Jews Turn Out for First Ever Chinese Auction

The Jewish community of S. Paulo, Brazil turned out in droves for their first ever Chinese auction, the proceeds of which are to benefit the Chabad Yeshiva in the city.

The Chabad Yeshiva of S. Paulo was founded about 20 years ago, and is directed by Rabbi Mendy Koncepolski.

A special thank you goes out to all the members of Anash in S. Paulo who dedicated their time and efforts to make the Chinese auction a success.

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  • Yossel

    So now the conspicuous consumption spreads outside of America.

    This scares me silly…In 1933, the Jews of Germany and Europe had jewelry, beautiful homes, furs, cars, and silver. What happened to all that gashmius? Why the excitement to acquire more and more silver? What end did it serve our forefathers?????