Lubavitch Youth Minyan Holds Annual Shabbaton
Manchester’s Lubavitch Youth Minyan, led by Moshe and Gav Cohen, enjoyed their annual Shabbaton at the Chabad Retreat Center in Llandudno, North Wales, this past Shabbos – Parshas Vayetzei.
The Shabbos started off with a very lively davening, with plenty of singing and dancing. Over forty people enjoyed the Friday night meal, catered by Mrs. Cohen and Yakov Bruck, and all were enthralled by the guest of honor – Mr. Zalman Klyne.
After the meal, the boys Farbrenged with Eli Bloch and Berel Paltiel, Talmidim HaShluchim from Yeshivas Lubavitch of Manchester, until the early hours of Shabbos morning.
Shabbos afternoon the boys were able to enjoy the natural beauty of north wales with a walk.
After Shabbos, the boys went bowling, watched a fireworks display, and after Melavah Malka had a kumzits with Akiva Rose and his guitar.