Hundreds Attend Lecture on Taharas HaMishpacha

HALLANDALE BEACH, FL — Mrs. Bronya Shaffer, a world renowned expert on Jewish marriages and relationships, was the featured guest speaker at Chabad of South Broward Headquarters, on Wednesday, May 29. The event was attended by hundreds of men and women.

Mrs. Shaffer, who lectures and counsels couples around the world, recently taught Oprah Winfrey the secret of successful Jewish marriages. It was Mrs Shaffer who actually gave Oprah the tour of a beautiful Mikvah Facility in Brooklyn. The experience touched Oprah, who spoke about it on a recent show, and conveyed to viewers the beauty of Judaism and its rituals.

The evening with Mrs. Shaffer included a lavish Dessert Reception, a tour of “The World’s Most Beautiful Mikvahs”, and a Question and Answer session. Mrs. Shaffer conveyed both the spiritual and physical benefits of Mikvah observance, including the historic revolution the Rebbe began in 1975 when he promoted Taharas HaMishpacha as a new Mitzvah Campaign.

Mrs. Shaffer explained how until 1975, public Mikvah talks were taboo. The Rebbe, however, when initiating the new Taharas HaMishpacha Campaign, explained that when the public became informed of “intimate matters” from sources that were not holy, it became incumbent to publicize the holiness of intimacy as detailed in the Torah. As a follow up to Mrs. Shaffer’s lecture, new classes in Hallandale Beach on Taharas HaMishpacha were announced that are starting June 5 for men, that will be given by Rabbi Mordy Feiner, and for women, new classes will be starting June 12, to be given by Rebbetzin Devorah Schwartz.

Special thanks was extended to the Committee that organized this elegant, inspirational and informative evening, which was attended by both observant men and women, as well as many men and women who never heard about, let alone saw, a Mikvah in their entire lives. For many attendees, it was a “life-changing event”, in their personal growth in Torah and Yiddishkeit. Committee members included: Ella Licht, Tirza Menkes, Freidy Lurie, Nili Haimoff, Rebbetzin Goldie Tennenhaus, Rebbetzin Devorah Schwartz, Bat-El Gershovitz, Chanie Israel and Claudia Mor.

Chabad of South Broward is located at 1295 East Hallandale Beach Blvd. The Mikvah Complex in Hallandale Beach is called Mei Menachem – Mikvah Israel.They are the only Mikvahs in the Southeastern United States built for the physically challenged. It features the Elana Leah Women’s Mikvah, the Yosef Mordechai Men’s Mikvah, and the Sussman Keilim Mikvah. For more information about the Hallandale Beach Mikvahs, please log on to the Mikvah link on

The May 29 evening with Bronya Shaffer, was dedicated to the complete and speedy recovery of Elana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel.

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