JLI Launches New Course on Fascinating Talmudic Tales

The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) will present Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of Our Sages, JLI’s new six-session course.

“We’ll explore the mystical dimension of the Talmud called the Aggadah, to uncover profound wisdom from some of the zaniest and most epic legends you’ll ever encounter,” said Rabbi Zalman Abraham of JLI’s headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. “This is a chance for the public to unravel layers of personal meaning from texts not usually available to non-scholars.”

In Curious Tales of the Talmud, participants will encounter legends of gargantuan sea monsters, impossible feats, anthropomorphisms, and riddles that challenge the foundations of the Jewish faith. In deciphering the meaning behind these strange episodes, students will discover secrets containing profound insights into the meaning of life.

Like all JLI programs, Curious Tales of the Talmud is designed to appeal to people at all levels of Jewish knowledge, including those without any prior experience or background in Jewish learning. All JLI courses are open to the public, and attendees need not be affiliated with a particular synagogue, temple, or other house of worship.

Visit www.myJLI.com for registration and other course-related information.

The video has been replaced under the guidance of a rabbinic authority


  • I was just wondering

    Did JLI consult with a rabbinic authority before they produced this piece? Is it mutar for a man to watch a woman perform this artistic piece?!

  • YG

    Ironic, how in a video to promote Tales of the Talmud the woman narrating says how she has struggled to forge an identity and how she wants to become a somebody…
    When the purpose of Chassidus is to lose the identity and become consumed by G-dliness. Just a thought.

  • On a roll

    NS. Great work. Looks like you were on a roll when you did this class. You are the coolest rabbi. K

  • JLI

    the two writers on this course Rabbi Silberberg and Rabbi Braun, are both JLI material.

    the best team, I’m not sure how the saying going but it ends with “flock together”

    thank you JLI for another great Project