Bringing the Joy of Purim to Wounded Soldiers

At a special celebration held at the Tel Hashomer Rehabilitation Hospital, dozens of beautiful packages of Mishloach Manot were distributed to the wounded soldiers by volunteers from the Chabad Terror Victims Project in honor of Purim.

CTVP is in constant contact with hundreds of wounded soldiers with multiple programs throughout the year. From the moment of injury CTVP is at their beside in the hospital, during the rehabilitation and for as long as needed CTVP is there with them.

Rabbi Menachem Kutner, the director of activities of CTVP, shared an inspirational Dvar Torah and distributed the Mishloach Manot. The participants were very grateful and thanked CTVP for their ongoing support.

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  • moshiach now please

    as much as these pics are joyous there is much heartbreak too
    May all these holy people be completely healed
    please Hashem-Moshiach NOW!!!!!