Sukkot: A Message of Togetherness
Pictures by John D. Simmons Charlotte Observer
Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ends Friday. They took a wagon ride, pulled by two giant Belgian horses named Jarvis and Janet, from the school at Shalom Park over to the Lansdowne neighborhood to go to one sukkah.
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About 20 first graders from Charlotte Jewish Day School were the first to take the wagon ride for the sukkah hop Friday morning. Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ends Friday. They took a wagon ride, pulled by two giant Belgian horses named Jarvis and Janet, from the school at Shalom Park over to the Lansdowne neighborhood to go to one sukkah.

Daniel Cremisi , 6, Seth Rabinowitz , 7, Addy Abramowitz, 6, sing along arm-in-arm during their wagon ride. Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ends Friday.

First graders Seth Rabinowitz , Justin Cohen, 7, and Isaac Saul can’t believe the size of the horses being unloaded that will pull the wagon they’re about to board. Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ends Friday.

Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ended Friday. They took a wagon ride, pulled by two giant Belgian horses named Jarvis and Janet, from the school at Shalom Park over to the Lansdowne neighborhood to go to one sukkah.

Adina Peck , 6, and Shaina Gleiberman, 12, wait to climb aboard the wagon. Gleiberman holds a lulav from a date palm tree) and an etrog (in the box). The lulav and etrog represent different kinds of people and that it takes all types. The sukkah represents a message of unity amongst all those types of people.

Leah Bartkowski, 6 waits to eat her sukkah treat. Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ends Friday.

Schneur Gordon (far right), 7, sings along with “David, King of Israel” during the sukkah hop Friday. Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ends Friday. They took a wagon ride, pulled by two giant Belgian horses named Jarvis and Janet, from the school at Shalom Park over to the Lansdowne neighborhood.

First graders at the Charlotte Jewish Day School act out the sukkah hop while they wait with their classmates for a wagon ride. Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ended Friday. They took a wagon ride, pulled by two giant Belgian horses named Jarvis and Janet, from the school at Shalom Park over to the Lansdowne neighborhood to go to one sukkah. After the children finished snack of pretzels, cookies and juice, listened to some stories, they traveled to another sukkah, this time in a way not as exciting…by car.
was it fun…