Simchas Bais Hashuaiva in New Haven
Over 100 children and parent took part in a very lively Simchas Bais Hashuaiva in New Haven Connecticut, the children called out the 12 Pesukim, sang and danced to music and were entertained by the Bochurim Hashluchim who made this event possible.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
y’shar koach to the shluchim & the bochurim of the yeshiva for making it happen and making it fun for the children.
hey bay! u finally made it online!!
CT Resident
New Haven Rocks
just wondering
wheres sholom goldstein when u need him
great party thnaks to all those who organized it!
yay newv haven
zaide of yeshiva
great work
thankx to the talmidim hashluchim they realy rock the house good to see levi and zushe
mendy goldberg
zushie, so nice to see you
mendy goldberg (from ysp)
hey ahron looks like your having fun
yay new haven!!!!!
a new haven residet
move to new haven, the housing is cheap, we have no politics, and of course its very close [and far if you want it to be] from NY
You can get a house starting from $275k
and many more benefits.
shliach 67
go shluchim 67, levi and zushi keep it up
Who do you think
Things can happen in NH without Sholom? Unbeliveble!!
The real Shiur Gimmel
Where is the whole Shiur Gimmel???
lively…i love new haven lol. go shneur!
new haven is definatly the place to be
just wondering
things can happen without "the real shiur gimmle?"