Aliya Youth go Restaurant Hopping

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Have you been out to a local restaurant lately and noticed a highly energized group of young men sitting together eating and learning. If you have it will come as no surprise.

ALIYA has recently embarked on an exciting new motivational program: restaurant hopping. All members that attend Aliya’s Tuesday night Sicha Shiur (on time) get a free night at a local restaurant.

Over the past few months every Wednesday night Rabbi Note Shemtov, who has recently joined Aliya’s team of dedicate Rabbis devoted to connecting with today’s youth, takes a group of between 8 and 15 young guys to local eateries, such as Bunch-o-Bagels, Basil and others.

This special program was sponsored by the Lazarus family and is Lizchus a Refuah Shelaima for Noah Batya bas Daniella Rus who was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. May she have a Refuah Shaliam Krova.


  • Does it help?

    Do these kids actually appreciate what people do for them? I just see them getting worse and worse.

  • Disgusted

    Gee # 2, that’s real helpful! NOT. It seems the judgmental ppl here get worse and worse. Who are you to judge other people and why is it your business to label others??

    Crawl back into your cave and don’t come out till you have learned the dinim of ahavas yisroel and what it means to embarrass a person.

  • one of them

    to #2 ummmmmm yes a lot of them are getting better!!! that is a really rude thing to say. dont judge random people you dont know.!!!!!!!!!

  • gosh people could be mean!

    excuse me #2

    these kids need this its the only thing that they do thats good..

    watch you harmful comments.and how would you know if they are getting worse unless ur one of them!

  • TO # 2

    Just love them for who they are. They do not ‘owe’ you anything. great to see that they are enjoying time together in a warm and positive environment.

  • Impressed

    Keep making us proud and continue giving the rebbe nachas!
    What u do for shluchim calling themevery Friday is amazing!

  • shliach on your mailing list

    notta your amazing!
    keep up the friday phone calls we really appreciate it!

  • Nota Shemtov Admirer

    All of the yungaleit in CH should take a lesson from Nota Shemtov. He is true kindness and love.

  • lefeeres park

    Nuttie Shemtov has been an amazing influence for years, be it at his open shabbos home or just for a chat. Quite a few married yungerleit can thank him for steering them in the right direction. His addition to alliyah is a blessing.

  • @ 2 - Does it help

    Maybe that’s part of the problem. That you think you are doing them some kind of favor. That they better be appreciative of you missionizing them.


    To #2 – As chasidim of the Rebbe you should already know the ripling effects of such efforts. Maybe some of the boys appreciate it now and some later. At some point in life we all turn to Hakodosh Baruvh Hu, and turn back to what we’re taught – this is giving these boys an opportunity to still have a learning experience to turn to. “Kudos” to all that make it happen!

  • chaver oholei Torah

    Wow! Noteh you are an amazing Chosid, you can see how the boys feel connected to you, and i heard that many of these boys finally feel that someone is there for them.

    Noteh the nachas you are giving our rebbe can not be described, i am sure the Rebbe is with you every step of the way.

    Noteh, i can see, you take after your father Reb Yisrel Sheyichye, and your zeydes Reb Bentshe z“l and Reb Moshe Eliyahu z”l.

    Hatzlachah Rabbah

    your old Chaver from the last 40 years from Oholei Torah

  • positive yid


    When I see a group of yidden together smiling, it doesn’t get any better than that.

  • Mess man

    #2 is so obviously a loser or major proportions. probably unemplyed if married very troubled and jealous of even the newspaper delivery guy. This dude likely live under the rock in the Geico comerccial!
    That said it goes without saying kol hakavod!

  • a student- Thank you Moshe Feiglin

    thank you ALIYA for all you have done.
    Moshe FEIGLIN the beam of Aliya, you have done so much for me and all the other boys, the effort and time you put in is unreal.
    Your DEDICATION stands out!
    You have amazing staff and Kol Hakovod to your success!!

  • to #2

    excuseme bequit couse you just see pictures dont comment if you dont know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • One who Nota helped over and over again

    May HaShem give much hatzlocha to this project!

    Rabbi Nota Shemtov is truly one of the kindest people I have come in contact with. He has a true vamkeit, emeskeit and Ahavas Yisroel.

    A real chossid who does without seeking reward or kavod.

    Kol HaKavod.

  • Long Island

    Much Hatzlocha Nota! What you do for the Shluchim is tremendous, what you do for these kids is also tremendous. Der Rebbe zol hoben nachas.

    Much love.

    LI Shliach from the VIP call list.

  • Your fan in montreal

    kol hakavod noteh! finally someone who loves these boys unconditionally!! The Rebbe is definitely proud!!!!

  • B Aron Hus

    Nuti “Kol hakavod”!!!
    keep up the good work!
    Hashem should help you with a lot Hatzlocho!!!