A Weekend with an Impact in Ukraine
CHERNIGOV — Each Shabbat, after services, the attendees sit down for a ‘farbrengen’ or Chassidic gathering, where, along with some good kosher food, they sing, tell stories, and are inspired to keep their Jewish identity and pride burning strong.
This past Shabbat was also the 10th of Shvat, which, this year, marked 60 years since the passing of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, and 60 years since the Rebbe took on the leadership of the Chabad movement.
Tens of people participated in an especially inspiring farbrengen. The lavish spread was appreciated by the participants. They sat wide-eyed as Rabbi Silberstein related stories of personal encounters with the Rebbe. The singing of niggunim (chassidic melodies), the warm atmosphere, and the words of Torah kept the crowd mesmerized for over 3 hours. The farbrengen culminated in the participants committing to a positive resolution they would do. One man plans to have a brit milah.
The STARS youth groupmeant on Sunday. Class began with a fun and intellectually stimulating team building game. Following class, there was a special farbrengen. The students enjoyed a delicious, hot meal. At the end of an especially warm and intimate farbrengen, the students wrote letters to the Rebbe in which they asked for blessings. They too took on good resolutions, including: putting on tefillin every day, attending synagogue on Shabbat, learning Hebrew, and one young man resolved that come what may, he will only marry a Jew.
You know!!
Go silverstiens!!!!!!!!! Regards from ur tish’a ba’av bochurim 5770!!
a friend
Go Aliza!
Yossi Marozov
Great work!