600 Attend Siyum HaRambam in Johannesburg South Africa
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa [CHI] — Over 600 people attended a unique Siyum Harambam in Johannesburg. The event organised and sponsored by Chabad House Johannesburg took the form of a unique presentation by a senior advocate and acting High Court Judge, Guy Hoffmann: a presentation by renowned Professor of Medicine, Harry Seftel; and Rosh Yeshiva of Machon Lahoraah – Rabbi Levy Wineberg.
The evening entitled “Ancient Wisdom Modern Application,” saw the legal expert present an analysis of South African Law and Jewish Law and the influence of the Rambam. The Medical Professor addressed the Rambam’s medical contribution and Rabbi Wineberg presented the contribution of the Rambam to Torah study, specially emphasising the Rebbes institution of daily study of the Rambam, and concluding with a Siyyum.
“The unique dimension of our Siyum was the number of people who were inspired by the Rebbe’s institution of daily Rambam study, and who pledged to learn the Rambam daily” said Rabbi Dovid Masinter of Chabad House Johannesburg.
The evening was chaired by David Shapiro a well known market expert and radio personality, who spoke warmly of the Rebbe and the influence of Chabad in his personal life.
Alfred Wengarten
Nice to see S Africa in the limelight again. Ysher Koach to all the community, who live with mesiras nefesh daily and yet come out on top spiritually daily.