BOYNTON BEACH, FL [CHI] — As was reported at its Gala Bar Mitzvah Dinner, on January 6, 2008, Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Boynton announced its plans for a major, multi-million dollar expansion, to continue to effectively service the growing needs of the Greater Boynton community.

Chabad of Greater Boynton Begins Expansion

BOYNTON BEACH, FL [CHI] — As was reported at its Gala Bar Mitzvah Dinner, on January 6, 2008, Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Boynton announced its plans for a major, multi-million dollar expansion, to continue to effectively service the growing needs of the Greater Boynton community.

To this end, and true to its published “Projected 3 year Community Enhancement Plan,” Chabad announced today the installation of Rabbi and Mrs. Bentzion and Chaya M. Singer as the new official representatives of Chabad-Lubavitch to West Lake Worth.

Rabbi and Mrs. Singer will be establishing a satellite Chabad center and synagogue to service the northwest region of the tremendously growing and established populace of West Lake Worth.

Their focus and programming will be directed on that specific region and an official steering committeee is finalizing its plans for the best central location for their new center, with culled information from the area residents who are all Chabad members.

The Singers will be joining the growing team of Chabad Rabbis and their wives who are already in Greater Boynton. This new addition to the leadership staff will enhance, revitalize, and initiate city wide programming such as friendship circles, day camps, senior citizen programs, “lunch and learns” at peoples homes and offices etc.

Educational, social service and outreach programming will take on a whole new scope, as this renowned, talented couple begin their center in West Lake Worth and spread the reach of Chabad throughout the region.

Rabbi Sholom Ciment, Director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Boynton commented, that “our plans which we illustrated to the community from our drawing board are, thank G-d, running on schedule.”

“With this hiring, our Northwest region will be ”covered,“ As West Boynton and East Boynton completes its buildout of residential communities and commercial centers, we stand ready, with additional couples lined up, to add to our staff of representatives of Chabad, whose whole focus is renowned to be the enhancement and spreading of goodness, a wealth of knowledge, leadership, warmth, and acceptance of all. This flavor of educational and outreach programs, is sorely needed,” The Rabbi stated.

Timed to work in sync with this exciting infusion of Rabbinic leadership, is the ongoing construction plans at the Headquarters for Chabad – Lubavitch of Greater Boynton on El Clair Ranch Road.

“Architectural designs have been approved, and the process has begun to create the 55,000 square foot regal community center on its six acres of centrally located land,” said Mr. Alan Zavodnick, member of Chabad’s Executive Board, and the one charged with managing this monumental project.

“As in all construction projects of this size, as quickly as the Rabbi would like to have it up and runniing, the reality is that the planned ribbon cutting to this eagerly awaited expanded campus is planned for 2009-2010” said Zavodnick.

In answering the call to “duty”” of outreach and education for which he and his wife have gone through extensive training in Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Singer commented, “We are so excited with the newly discovered statistics of the population of this area and we realize the demands on Chabad, the pioneer and founder for this growth, and therefore our need to respond in kind. With the help of G-d, we will continue to keep Chabad’s remarkable pace of accomplishments on its growing track and be able to respond to the community’s needs, in an efficient, all-encompassing manner, so that no man, woman, or child will be left behind.”

For more information on Chabad’s Community Enhancement Expansion Program, please call the office at 561-732-4633.