Make (Your) Davening Great Again! (ad)
A new Sefer, authored by Crown Heights Yungerman Rabbi Avraham Katz, provides practical advice and guidance on how to progress in this fundamental aspect of Jewish life. Based on Halacha and Chassidus and endorsed by various Mashpi’im, this Sefer will be of great assistance to every English-speaking member from Anash, helping them connect to Davening on a deeper level.
A new book hot off the press “A Practical Guide to Davening” is now available!
Authored by Crown Heights Yungerman, Rabbi Avraham Katz, this Sefer provides practical advice and guidance on how to progress in this fundamental aspect of Jewish life. Based on Halacha and Chassidus and endorsed by various Mashpi’im, this Sefer will be of great assistance to every English-speaking member from Anash, helping them connect to Davening on a deeper level.
In Kuntres Toras HaChassidus, the Frierdiker Rebbe writes:
“The Avodah of Davening is the foundation for all of Torah and mitzvos. Therefore, it is the first step one must take to approach serving Hashem.”
But how can we make Davening the amazing experience we have all heard about?
Yes, we daven three times a day. But is there any change from one day to the next? Do we feel that we are accomplishing something, elevating ourselves, connecting our minds and hearts to Hashem, or is it something that we do by rote?
“The only way Davening can truly enrich our lives and bring us closer to serving Hashem throughout the day,” says Rabbi Katz, “is if we work on it in a planned-out, orderly fashion. Halacha and Chassidus give us the advice and guidance how to unlock the tremendous life-transforming potential of Davening, but it is up to us to take that guidance and apply it to our personal lives. This Sefer collects that guidance and presents it in a practical way, so that we can actually apply it and make Davening be the amazing experience it can be.”
This highly original, clearly written text guides the reader in the acquisition of the practical skills essential to meaningful prayer. Rabbi Katz combines insight into human nature, educational expertise, and a comprehensive grasp of Chassidus to produce an interesting, user-friendly compendium appropriate for everyone. “The value of this book is inestimable,” says Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer, renowned expert on Chassidic thought.
This Sefer is not merely the result of the author’s research on the topic. “It has the third dimension, the investment of an individual for whom this journey is the story of his own personal life,” says Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, mashpia in Chovevei Torah and Machon Chana and popular teacher and mentor. “I trust that many people will find this Sefer of interest and be motivated to make a similar journey.”
The Sefer is available at SeforimDeals.com, all Crown Heights Judaica/Seforim Stores, Kehos and Amazon.
Special offer for CrownHeights.info readers! Use code CHinfo upon checkout on SeforimDeals.com and receive 25% off!
Link for book at SeforimDeals.com: https://seforimdeals.com/store15/index.php/a-practical-guide-to-davening.html
Know It All
Great Guy! Great Subject! Great Book!
Uplifting and inspirational!
Book reader
Great headline!
I read it
a must have for any one! great for beginner or “ffb”
I know Rabbi katz from the yeshiva
He really davens and always helped others mainly on davening beavoide
Yasher koach
I’m currently learning this sefer and it is truly amazing and inspirational!! Highly recommended.
Reb Avrohom
I know Reb Avrohom well from his Yeshiva days. He is a real old-style Chossid, who really Davens, is a Talmid Chochom, does Iskafye and is a Medakdek in every Din in Shulchan Oruch. I am looking forward to reading this book.