Bikur Cholim of Crown Heights Aims for $118K
For the last 40 years, the Bikur Cholim of Crown Heights – renamed the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Bikur Cholim after her passing – has been helping thousands of families in medical crisis.
In addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that they distribute in financial aid toward medical expenses, RCMBC’s services include: transportation to/from doctor appointments and hospitals, home/hospital visitation and respite services, delivering kosher meals, providing domestic aid during medical crises to help maintain routine and stability in the home, assisting new mothers with the physical and emotional adjustments to their newborn babies and much more.
RCMBC’s volunteer board members work round the clock to help ease the burden for those struggling with illness. Now they are asking the community to participate and help make Crown Heights stronger and healthier.
Here’s how the campaign works: It’s all or nothing – RCMBC must raise the full $118,000 or donations will be returned.
Every dollar you donate is quadrupled by three groups of generous benefactors: Maimon and Ruth Kirschenbaum, Friends of Bikur Cholim with Zalman and Esther Lebovic, and Friends of Bais Shmuel with Yerachmiel and R.L. Jacobson.
Donate now and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Visit charidy.com/bcch.
Go Apple Drugs !!!
Go Apple Drugs !!! Thanks for giving them this space on your wall for free!! And all the chessed you do for our community!!