Strong Winds May Jeopardize Sukkahs
The New York City Department of Emergency Management has reached out to the Jewish community to notify them that the city is expecting strong winds due to Hurricane Joaquin as early as tonight, Thursday, and this is expected to continue throughout Friday and Shabbos. Sukkahs that are not properly secured, especially those on high balconies, can pose severe danger.
Mats and other loose Schach may blow off and cause damage or injuries G-d forbid, and canvas walls and tarps may tear and flap in the wind even if they are tied down.
The hurricane itself is expected to arrive in the Northeast sometime next week, though meteorologists are not yet certain where, or if, it will make landfall.
Below is the message we received from the NYC Dept. of Emergency Management:
In light of the upcoming windy weather, we would appreciate you sharing the message below with members of the community. Our goal with this message is to highlight the potential dangers that the increased wind will pose (especially in areas where families build Succahs on balcony’s several stories up) and to encourage individuals to address these concerns in advance.
The National Weather Service forecast for the next several days includes wind speeds that are predicted to be between 15 and 30 miles per hour with gusts up to 40 mph at times. High winds can down trees and power lines, blow out windows, blow down signs, cause flying debris, and structural collapse. Individuals who have constructed a Succah for the holiday should take appropriate actions to secure the structure and roofing to prevent damage or injury from flying debris.