24-Hour Campaign Launched for Sichos Academy
A 24-hour fundraising campaign has been launched with the aim of raising $150,000 for Rabbi Levi Gorelik’s newest project: Sichos Academy. Each donation will be instantly quadrupled, thanks to four philanthropic matching donors.
Sichos Academy will enable learners to connect straight to the source with weekly Shiurim in the Rebbe’s Sichos, each with an attached curriculum, as well as enjoy the “Ask A Shaila” section, consisting of hundreds of frequently asked Shailos in Halacha.
Topics that will be covered include questions pertaining to the daily cycle, life cycle, Shabbos, Taharas Hamishpacha, Aveilus, Chassidus and much more. In addition, a printable advisory of Halacha and Minhagim by Rabbi Gorelik will be made available before each Yom Tov.
Click here to donate.
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