Tonight: Lecture on Living with Diabetes

An event titled ‘Living with Diabetes: Explore your Health’ will be taking place tonight, Monday, at the Ahavas Chesed Center, 271 Kingston Ave at 8:00pm. The event will mark the 2nd Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Levi Deitsch, OBM, Shliach to Tyson’s Corner, Virginia.

‘Revive the Tribe’ is an organization that was created last year in Levi’s memory. Over the past year they have held weekly classes and several lectures on health related issues.

Tonight they will introduce Liana Werner-Grey, author of The Earth Diet. She will share her expertise and offer informative steps to those suffering with Diabetes and other diseases. Diabetes is usually a lifelong (chronic) disease caused by high levels of sugar in the blood.

The event aims to offer help to those who are searching for more answers regarding Diabetes. The program will begin promptly at 8:00pm. Suggested donation: $10

The lecture will be filmed and made available on the Revive the Tribe Facebook page for future viewing.

All Participants will receive a 15% off coupon at Natural Treats, which will be redeemable at the store until Chanukah.


  • Concerened

    People need to consult Medical Professinals. Of course a healthy diet is important, but it does not take the the place of Medical care. People in our community are already financially stretched. I hate to see people throwing out money on fad diets (e.g. The earth diet) and unproven (scientifically) supplements.

  • kivis

    We, as almost all Americans, suffer from terrible diets. It breaks my heart to see the junk food, soda, etc. Chassidic children ingest. Anything that will get parents educated and motivated will be of help.

  • Daniel Granovetter

    How to cure yourself of diabetes: Keep switching doctors until one tells you you don’t have it. :oD