Rabbi Miller to Lecture at Borough Park Young Israel
Renowned Chabad author Rabbi Chaim Miller is to be the Scholar-in-residence at Young Israel-Beth El in Borough Park this Shabbos, alongside Cantor Benzion Miller, who performs regularly at the Synagogue on special occasions.
Rabbi Miller is not a relative of the esteemed Chazan, nor does he have any connection with the synagogue, a historic institution that was once home to famed Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky.
Why, then, did the Synagogue choose to invite this Chabad Rabbi for Shabbos?
Dr. Robert Schulman, Chairman of the Activities Committee, explained:
“I am always looking out for interesting speakers to invite as Scholar in Residence. We have been privileged to have as our ‘scholars’ very illustrious and prominent people, such as Rav Herschel Schachter, Professor Shneur Leiman, Professor Avraham S. Avraham, and Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, to name a few.
“I first learned of the Gutnick Edition of the Chumash, about one year ago. We were visiting our children in Israel when I picked up this special Chumash in the home of our daughter Tamar and her husband Rabbi Shalom Rosner.
“I was so impressed by this work, I immediately realized that we must invite Rabbi Chaim Miller to be our next scholar in residence!”
Rabbi Miller will deliver the Sermon before Mussaf, as well as a shiur at 5 p.m. on “Rambam’s Principles of Faith: How they relates to the first Mishna in Avos.”
On Sunday morning at 10AM, Rabbi Miller will share his personal journey in a public lecture entitled, “From secular schooling to Torah Scholar: The story of the Gutnick Chumash.”