A mobile speed camera on Carroll Street between Troy and Schenectady Aves.
PSA: Temporary Speed Camera on Carroll St.
Drivers beware: The New York City Department of Transportation has set up a mobile speed camera on Carroll Street between Troy and Schenectady Aves. Any vehicle traveling above the 25mph speed limit will be issued a ticket via mail.
where is it
i think its againts the law for them to hide it
agree to 1
If you choose to fight it the camera needs to testify, so unless this Communist city changed the law, this would not hold in court.
Lens cover
How about just driving within the speed limit?
I hope the camera isn’t too disturbing for the neighbors. I thought they can only put them near schools.
Raped in ch
Miserable city.
Gouge and Gouge. Chazeirim. Thank you De Blasio…
Two speed bumps would do just fine…and cheaper
Living on the block
Over the past few weeks, I have seen that car parked there a few times.
The city can save money by just sending tickets in the mail assuming we deserve it somehow. Maybe like a lottery.