Jews Around the Globe to Unite for Menorah Lighting
Building on the concept that if one little flame can bring light to darkness then many small burning wicks – from numerous continents – can enlighten the world, on December 16th at 9pm EST, and its equivalent time around the world, a 30-minute program will commence that will usher in Chanukah with an event that promises to be uniquely enjoyable, musical, international and inspirational.
The Chanukah show will present messages from Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar of Russia, words from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Borough President of Brooklyn Eric Adams, U.S. dignitaries, lay leaders from a plethora of organizations representing millions of diverse Jews including the international Jewish Learning Institute, Hadassah, Chabad, United Synagogue for Youth, Jewish Student Union, Bnai Brith Youth Organization, Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, National Council of Synagogue Youth, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Women’s League, JECC Jewish Federation and Jewish Educational Media.
Also featured will be entertaining presentations by the one and only comedian Jackie Mason, the world famous Maccabeats, the incredible soulful singer/songwriter Levi Robin, and a descendant of the legend Shlomo Carlbach, Mendy Carlbach, to name a few. With broadcasts from Italy, France, Brazil, Russia, the U.S., Canada, Israel and more – the unity of the Jewish people and all humanity will shine brightly from computer screens, iPads and cell phones throughout the world.
Hosted by renowned inspirational speaker Rabbi David Nesenoff, on site at the Holocaust Memorial in Miami Beach, where he, along with a Holocaust survivor, will light the Chanukah menorah and interact with his worldwide cast online.
Nesenoff is no stranger to the globe, after returning from visiting over 450 Jewish communities in the world sharing his humorous and inspirational messages. Rabbi Nesenoff came to global news in recent years for his viral video encounter with Helen Thomas at the White House. “We are coming to this spectacular memorial here in South Florida to enter a deep painful spot where we will transform even this dark place into a light of hope and joy,” Nesenoff said. “The December 16th international broadcast will be filled with cyber surprises, incredible inspiration and fun for a ‘freilache’ happy Chanukah!”
The entire event is being executive produced by Crown Heights Yeshiva rabbinical student Adam Nesenoff, who is best known for his recent Passover “Maztah Bentley” viral video, which has been translated into seven languages. This past summer Adam led a successful huge Mitzvah Campaign from Boston to Florida in memory of his friend, Gedalya Greenzayd, who was tragically killed in a Crown Heights accident.
“When I volunteered and led Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services this year in Pennsylvania and Florida prisons, I learned many things from the inmates,” Adam said. “Three seconds can change your life in a bad way and three seconds can change your life for good things; and I believe a global goodness can start within the seconds it takes to light a candle on the first night of Chanukah.”
The event coordinators invite everyone to encourage their communities to tune in to this inaugural unique online Chanukah event. Menorahs are available in advance from OneNightOneLight.com for those who are newcomers to the Chanukah lighting; and all are urged to light their first candle at the appropriate times.