This Sunday: Siyum Sefer Torah for R’ Lipe Schapiro
This Sunday, a sefer Torah will be completed in honor of the Yahrtzeit of Reb Lipe Schapiro, OBM. It will also be dedicated in memory of his wife, Rebbetzin Chana Schapiro, OBM, and his son, Reb Levi Yitzchok Schapiro, OBM.
Siyum will begin at the home of Rabbi Yakov Shlomo and Raizel Goldberg: 553 Montgomery St. [between Brooklyn and New York Ave.] at 11:00am.
The Torah procession will march at 1:00pm to Ahavas Achim – Empire Shteibel, 489 Empire Blvd. [between Brooklyn and New York Ave.] where Hakafos will be held.
L’Chaim and light refreshments will be served.

Very nice!
He was a true Elder Chossid1 They don’ make it like him nowadays!!
We would never forget Zaidy and Bubby Schapiro, what special and ebergegebin chasidim of the Rebbe they were . Such warm and real people, which indeed built an ampire of a strong and true chasidishe family.
Our uncle Levitche Schapiro, will always remain in our hearts. His care for every jew, every Talmid, every child. His Chesed, love and kindness we will never forget. A true chosid of the Rebbe he was. He will always stay in our minds and hearts.