Win Free Tickets to the 8th Day Concert!

Want to go to the 8th Day concert this coming Motzai Shabbos? How about going for free along with your family or friends? and Chabad of West Hempstead teamed up and together we are offering two FREE family packs of tickets, four tickets per pack to the concert which is going to take place January 7th, 2012.

How can you Get These Free Tickets?

Very Simple! ‘Like’’s Facebook page and you will be entered into the raffle!

If you already ‘like’ us you will automatically be entered into the raffle.

You can also purchase tickets directly from by Clicking Here.


The drawing will take place on Wednesday, January 5th 2012, and will be publicly announced the following day on Winners will also be contacted via Facebook by staff.

Claiming the Prize

Tickets will be placed at the box office at the concert under the name of the winner only AFTER they confirm their winning the prize with

Winners who do not respond to their winning message within 24 hours will forfeit their chance to claim their prize and another name will be drawn from the raffle.

The Fine Print

Family pack of tickets consists of four (4) tickets per package. The tickets are valued at $45 per ticket. Total prize value $180. Total tickets being offered are eight (8) and are being raffled off as a set of four.

One Comment

  • Dina

    I heard from of the cozens that this show is going to be spectacular.

    Is there a bus from crown heights?