Cops Target Motorists Turning from Brooklyn to Lefferts
A largely unknown traffic regulation makes it illegal to make a right turn from Brooklyn Ave. onto Lefferts Ave. between the hours of 8:00-10:00am and 3:00-5:00pm Mon-Fri. The rule is statedly in place for the safety of schoolchildren going to and coming from Beis Rivka.
Since most motorists are unaware of this obscure law, two police officers have lately turned the intersection into a cash cow for the city coffers, citing violators with tickets of $130 each.
It is advisable to avoid turning in that intersection altogether as a matter of habit, as it is easy to mistakenly do it while it is illegal, and that mistake comes with a hefty price tag.
I know this cop
He drives around there every day between 8:00 and 10:00 in the morning and is constantly pulling people over. The guy is there every single day. Literally.
you seem to have a bit of negative connotations, like it is a bad thing.
wow how some ppl are , always looking for a bad thing, jeesh drama
Camp vs school
I thought it was OK till I realized (before I got a ticket!!) that the law applies during the summer as well.
Can they cite drivers if their are no signs?
Nope. But there are two signs – one fairly visible, one less so. For a while, due to construction, the more visible sign was missing. But they were still giving tickets.
Finally…it is a nightmare crossing onto Lefferts. I hope the police stay here!!
Old News
This has been going on for years. If you read and obey the signs you don’t get a ticket. It’s not just a rule – it’s the law, and the police should enforce the law to protect our school girls.
But the signs are hard to see – especially the one on the left. When the right sign was missing, it really became a trap for motorists.
It is important for everyone to know that even though school is over at 12:00 on Friday the no turning rule still applies. The police are always waiting there to ticket cars especially on Friday.
There are a few signs there. Secondly, besides the 130 dollar fine, your going to get 2 points on your license.
Officer Sanchez
This cop and his partner are in the money making business for the city.
Lefferts is their first stop of the day.
The rest of the day they are in empire between nostrand and parkside.
They are constantly pulling people over.
Many of the tickets given are bogus.
These 2 are known to lie many times.
Be careful of these 2.
They are aggressive and up to no good.
declasse' intelelctual
If there is no sign, then the ticket is illegal and get thee a lawyer. so, BSW, they can write the ticket, but you can get it over turned. Better yet, get your local representative to require the sign to be placed at the appropriate section of the street. And tell the local council topursue this action.
Are there signs?
If there are why is it “obscure”?
If there aren’t how should one know?
Is there a sign
Is there a sign there?
While it is good for the safety, I belive the city should assing one of those police cars to stand at the corner and show the cars to continue down brooklyn and only if they ignore the orders shall a ticket be given.
It boils down to one thing; is this for the childrens safety or is it to make money?
If safety then let the cops stand and point the cars to go straight.
When a city has a gotcha mentality then her citizens feel oppressed…
Where is this law posted ?? I always turn there
I am in favor of this regulation, but too many intersections in Brooklyn are poorly marked, or unmarked, where turns are illegal. Many signs are confusing or hidden by tree branches, resulting in motorists not seeing the them and getting pulled over for “failure to obey traffic signal” violations.
This city is much to MONEY HUNGRY! Do they hide the signs deliberately? I wouldn’t be surprised!
And don’t think that by following the rules you won’t get ticketed. I got pulled over by two cops for “being on the cell phone while driving.” I WAS NOT IN MY CELL PHONE!! Go argue in court, it’s your word against the cop’s and you will likely LOSE! I have lost respect for our Men in Blue because of this nonsense.
they have this in la outside toras emes. 5 cops everyday sit there giving $150 tickets. there was an article on this intersection.”the priciest corner in la”. why do people turn on it. bc since when cant u turn right on a green.
I got that ticket once when I lived in Crown Heights. The cop would not even think of giving me a warning when I was clearly new to town. Only one of the many reasons its a not so great place to live.
To #5
Dont you also agree people should be given fair warning which includes a sign bigger and more visible than the 10X13 Inch one they have up? Typically when you cant make a right or left turn most normal cities put up much larger signs on the actual stop light post.
Its not protective for anyone with a small sign like that.
maybe our community leaders can get the sign changed that it should at least only apply on school days when childre are actually
Either Bes Rivkah should arrange BIGGER signs.
Or take away the sign.
Yes, There are signs there At least 2, and maybe even 3.
There are 2 signs there. Look on google maps. One is on the left side of the street on a lamppost, The other is almost right in front of Beis Rivka
The signs are visible. It’s not obscure to anybody. It was put in place probably by the direction of the school to protect the children. Why are you complaining?
I live on that block
They are there every day!!
There are clear signs telling u that u cannot make the turn and the signs are the same size they are anywhere else. Don’t break the law = no ticket. Why should we be any different.
For 10 months a year this is a very helpful and safe rule with our girls school right there
same sign
They have a sign like this in Los Angeles at the Toras Emes Yeshiva…no right turn onto La Brea Ave. from 1-5 p.m. when preschool and upper grades let out. However, the sign at the bottom says “only on school days”…this way it doesn’t affect the summer months. Speak to the city and see if they can add on the words “only on school days” this also probably excludes legal American holidays.
Ummm no
If they do that it will be every day except Shabbos…the girls have school Sunday! Chol Hamoed & YT it will not apply. Memorial Day & Thanksgiving it will! Camp = school. Leave well alone.
Concerned Parent
to Number 26
I am not sure if you realize but the building is used during the summer months for the kiddie camp.
Those signs were put up after one of bais rivkah’s employees was acting as a crossing guard on a sunday when there is no crossing guard as he was hit and hurt very badly.
People need to realize how dangerous it can be to the little kinderlach coming to school and going home from school I have seen many people turn without looking out for them and at a very quick speed and missing children but millimeters
If you have your wits about you, you can avoid getting a ticket. It’s no big deal to go round the block to East NY.
Maybe it’s warrented to have that sign but looking to give tickets when there are no pedestrians present means one thing, squeezing the already poor in Brooklyn. It’s called “gotcha” policies and it’s unethical. Especially on Friday afternoon when school is out already hours earlier.
Someone should put up a bright blinking red light before the corner reading “NO RIGHt TURN
you will save lots of yidden lots of money and the safety of our kids will ACTUALLY be enforced
Thanks in advance for any volunteer
Those cops are always there, I even spoke with one of the cops and told him he’s targeting this area because its close to the precinct and it’s a large “rich” Jewish population. He told me flat out “At the end of the day if I come back to the precinct and didnt give out any tickets how does that make me look? Like I didnt do my job, my job is to give out tickets.” So obviously I answered, “I thought you were police, not meter maids and your job was to protect us, not ticket us”
Tommy n
Hi just received a ticket for making a right hand turn at brooklyn and lefferts are these signs new. ? The police officer said they have been there since he started in the precient 11 years ago. Why are the signs mounted. Beyond the intersection and not Hanging on the street light. Anyone know when they were installed thanks