Menorah Parade in NYC this Motzai Shabbos!
This Motzai Shabbos, the 2nd night of Chanukah, a parade of 25 Mitzvah Tanks and 150 Menorah cars will leave to Manhattan from Crown Heights.
All who have Menorahs on their car are requested to participate!
Meeting point: on President bet. Kingston & Albany @ 6:45
We apologies but cars without Menorahs will not be able to join.
Please be on time, as we will be passing the Chanukah Menorah at 5th avenue and 59th street just on time for the Menorah lighting, it would be a tremendous Kiddush Hashem if we can make it on time.
The parade is a project of the Mitzvah Tank Org.
For more info call the parade hotline (718) 804-0077
wish i could be there
ooooo so exciting~
Big Fan
Yipee Kaye !
Mitzvah tanks are back !!
custom made menorah
If you need a Menorah in time for the parade send an email to iMenorah@gmail.com.
Judah Maccabee
what time is the lighting in manhattan?
Kol Hakovod to the Rebbe’s Tankistim. You have given the Rebbe nachas for over a decade. Kol Hakoved!
my kids LOVE being part of the parade
and so do we!
It makes us all so proud to be Yidden an Chassidim of the Rebbe.
Every family should have one.
WHEREVER we go on Chanuka people look at it and are excited.
We even make our own little parades around the city.
thank you to the organizers.
Mivtza Chanuka
Its a great Persumei Nisa and Kiddush Hashem Passing through the buziest parts of manhatan with the menorah!