Artist drawing of Sholom Rubashkin taking the witness stand during his financial-fraud trial in federal court in Sioux Falls, S.D., Thursday, November 5, 2009. By Mark Marturello for the Des Moines Register.
The presentation of testimony at the trial of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin in South Dakota has ended. The defense has rested.
Monday morning, 22 Cheshvan, the lawyers will present final arguments. And then the case will go to the jury for deliberation.
Rubashkin Trial is Over
Artist drawing of Sholom Rubashkin taking the witness stand during his financial-fraud trial in federal court in Sioux Falls, S.D., Thursday, November 5, 2009. By Mark Marturello for the Des Moines Register.
The presentation of testimony at the trial of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin in South Dakota has ended. The defense has rested.
Monday morning, 22 Cheshvan, the lawyers will present final arguments. And then the case will go to the jury for deliberation.
From now till then, please, increase Torah, Tfillah, Tzedaka in the merit of Sholom Mordechai ben Rivka.
Increase act of kindness and goodness and encourage your children to pray and study in his z’chus.
May we merit to see a great miracle of salvation!
You may receive more information by calling:
NCFJE – Pidyon Shivuyim at (718) 735-0208 or 1(800) 33-NCFJE.
Contributions are still needed to cover all the legal fees. If you wish to donate please click here: DONATE
may he win the case
Hashem help the jury make the right decision!
please hashem make him win!
name correction
shalom mordechai halevi ben rivka
hashem help him
they don’t have very good artists …
continue with the TEHILEM!
we will FABERNG together
Shlemiel, Schlamazel defense
From the court reporting so far he said for the most part “I didn’t know what the people I hired under me was doing. I wasn’t paying attention. I made mistakes.”
This is the shlemiel, schlamazel defense. It might work if he was being tried in the Catskills but the Midwest juries are not Hamish and won’t buy it.
A sympathetic judge at sentencing is his only chance for mercy.
Hashem will help
May he have a SPEEDY Didan Notzach!
to Shlemiel, Schlamazel defense
you can keep ur comments to yourself!
al tiftach peh ……….
tracht gut vet zayn gut
May the Almightly have him acquitted! Now !!!! Such a wonderful family. This has been a chilling case of persecution! May it end G-d willing soon
this is really exciting!!!!
may HASHEM be with shalom mordechai the entire time!!!!
shalom mordechai will ameartza HASHEM get his job back with Hashems help!!!!!!
have a good shabbos to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope all ends well!!!
Trct Gut vain zain gut!!!
think good and it will be good with Hashem’s help things will work out I”YH!!!
The title of this article is quite misleading. The trial is not over until the verdict is in or the case is otherwise finished. The testimony has finished, but the jury has not yet even started deliberations.
a true postvillenik
May hashem grant sholum mordichai halevi ben rifka a full pardon and may we see the coming of moshiach now! And btw he’s said in a farbrengan that he wants to bc a teacher when its all said and done
A poshiter Yid
Hashem wether he was right or wrong have Rachmonus we all make mistakes and I am sure he has many merits on which to lean on.
Dear Posters None of us can judge who knows how we would have fared had we been put into the same situation, we may have failed miserably!!!.
Please Ribono Shelo olam help him, his family, and klal Yisroel who doesn’t need another chilul Hahsem to deal with.