On behalf of Levi, we would like to thank all those who said Tehillim and gave Tzedakah for him today. Baruch Hashem, Levi's health is improving and every day he is becoming stronger. His doctors are optimistic. However, we still need to continue saying tehiilim giving, Tzedakah and learning torah in his honor.

To continue the momentum, and to increase his health, there will be a Shiur for Torah on the night of Erev Shavous, Wednesday evening, May 27, at 9:30pm, with Rabbi YY Jacobson, uniting the whole world in learning.

You can participate and watch the class at www.TheYeshiva.net
To listen via telephone, please call: 1-616-347-8000. Access code: 1007852#

A World United in Learning, Lezcus Levi Yitzchak ben Tzirel

On behalf of Levi, we would like to thank all those who said Tehillim and gave Tzedakah for him today. Baruch Hashem, Levi’s health is improving and every day he is becoming stronger. His doctors are optimistic. However, we still need to continue saying tehiilim giving, Tzedakah and learning torah in his honor.

To continue the momentum, and to increase his health, there will be a Shiur for Torah on the night of Erev Shavous, Wednesday evening, May 27, at 9:30pm, with Rabbi YY Jacobson, uniting the whole world in learning.

You can participate and watch the class at www.TheYeshiva.net
To listen via telephone, please call: 1-616-347-8000. Access code: 1007852#

Rabbi Jacobson will teach a half-hour class from the Rebbe’s Torah about Shavuos (He will teach inside a letter from the Rebbe dated Erev Shavuos 1949, 60 years ago, published in Egros Kodesh vol. 3 p. 490.) We ask all of you to join this global shuir, with your families, friends and communities, lezcus Levi Yitzchak ben Tzirel shlita, for a refuah shlaimah ukrovah.

This is a very auspicious time, since by Matan Torah, all those that needed a refuah where granted one.