Regardless of your personal financial situation, this is a must see and learn Seminar for everyone. It might be for you, your neighbor, your friend, but everyone must learn the important facts about credit scoring and how this affects your ability to get a loan, be approved for a mortgage, rent an apartment, etc.
PSA: Financial Workshop for the Community
Regardless of your personal financial situation, this is a must see and learn Seminar for everyone. It might be for you, your neighbor, your friend, but everyone must learn the important facts about credit scoring and how this affects your ability to get a loan, be approved for a mortgage, rent an apartment, etc.
There are many companies offering all kinds of deals on loan modifications, forensic accounting, home preservation, and credit card settlement, negotiation or simply cleaning credit.
Get the facts first and don’t cut your hand to save your finger. It is important that you come and hear what one of the nation’s leading credit experts has to say.
If you have personal questions to ask, you can write them on a note and pass them along or contact Rabbi Avtzon after the Seminar. This way, everyone can feel safe that their private issues and concerns will not be public knowledge.
We are asking for a suggested donation of $18 per family to help cover the costs of this evening but we will not turn anyone away if they cannot pay.
If you have any questions you may call me at (917) 678-DEBT [3328] or write to me at
I look forward to seeing you this Wednesday night, May 13th, at the main ballroom of Oholei Torah at 8:00 PM.
Rabbi Lazer Avtzon