In light of all the recent attacks against the Orthodox Jewish community of Crown Heights. NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind is coming, to hear firsthand how bad the security situation in our neighborhood really is.

We encourage everyone to come and participate tonight, 9:00pm in 770 and at 10:00pm in 1241 Carroll Street, between Brooklyn and New York avenues so your voices are heard. This is not a political event and all are welcome.

-Jewish Leadership Council

Dov Hikind Wants To Hear From Residents Of Crown Heights

In light of all the recent attacks against the Orthodox Jewish community of Crown Heights. NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind is coming, to hear firsthand how bad the security situation in our neighborhood really is.

We encourage everyone to come and participate tonight, 9:00pm in 770 and at 10:00pm in 1241 Carroll Street, between Brooklyn and New York avenues so your voices are heard. This is not a political event and all are welcome.

-Jewish Leadership Council


  • Crown Heights Resident

    Its still going on, you can head over now, 10:00pm to 1241 Carroll Street, between Brooklyn and New York Avenue

  • How come no Advance Notice?

    I reached out to Dov Hikund months ago to report an incident of Police abuse and anti-semitism and he had nothing even though it was almost exactly what sparked the protest in BP last year
    I hope he has more for what’s going on in CH now.
    He is very self serving

  • Sruly

    This is very interesting because Chanina is Dov Hikind’s guy and Sugar is a threat to Chanina. Does this mean an alliance between Chanina and Sugar? WIll there be a partnership to take control of the community government? With Sugar’s ability to give speeches and Chanina’s closeness to the Mayor?

    On the other side, Chanina plays into the hands of the politicians while Sugar attacks them.

    Very, very interesting.

  • S/1 at 2night-s Meeting

    To How Come,

    I’m not sure where to begin, but in a single day of his life Dov Hikind has done more for Klal Yisrael then you will in a lifetime.

  • To S/1

    My comment was not what he has done so much as one thing he didn’t do.
    Though perhaps he should be an assemblyman in Eretz Yisroel; it would better suit his politics
    Show me any politician that isn’t self serving, it’s their nature

    ..and by the way
    how would you know what I have or haven’t done?
    One thing, I never say no to a fellow Jew who could benifit from my help in any way
    You my friend, my brother should achieve in your life the Ahavas Yisroel that the Rebbe expended in a single day

  • eli

    chanina????? again???? you will always find him at a photo op, besides for geting his family a bunch of buildings, and for helping them remove violations he does zilch, that is why the politichians like him all he asks for is a picture.