Davening Times in the Rebbes House

Throughout Yud Shvat, the day of the Histalkus of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the day the Rebbe accepted the Nessius, the Rebbes house will be open for Tefilos. Times are as follows:

Wednesday 9th of Shvat: Maariv – 6:45pm for 770 Bochurim, Smicha Bochurim and Kvutzeh Bochurim.

Thursday 10th of Shvat: Shacharis – 9:30am for Zal Bochurim.
Mincha – 3:15pm for Mesivta Bochurim.

Please take care and honor the times for the designated Bochurim.

A Special Thank you Rabbi Yudel Krinsky and the Vaad Talmidai Hatmimim for arranging the the rebbes house to be available for these tefilos.