Lubavitcher Yeshiva Melaveh Malka Honors Teachers and Staff

This past Motzei Shabbos, United Lubavitcher Yeshiva hosted a beautiful and inspiring Melaveh Malka event in honor of its devoted melamdim, morahs, and staff. The evening, for staff and their spouses, was a heartfelt expression of appreciation for their tireless dedication to chinuch. 

The event’s beautiful decor was done by Chani Greenbaum, and the delicious Melave Malka was catered by Menachem Scheinberger of Holesome Bagels. 

The event opened with uplifting words from menahel, Rabbi Yosef Simpson. Rabbi Simpson highlighted the zechus and responsibility entrusted to every mechanech and morah in cultivating true Chassidishe Talmidim. His message set the tone for an evening filled with gratitude and a renewed commitment to the Rebbe’s vision for Tomchei Temimim.

The Keynote speaker, Rabbi Ephraim Mintz, director of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), delivered a passionate and empowering keynote address that left the room deeply inspired. Rabbi Mintz spoke about the unique privilege and mission of today’s mechanchim and mechanchos.

In a particularly moving moment, Rabbi Mintz shared personal reflections about his late father, Rabbi Isaac Mintz, a”h, who dedicated his life to chinuch. He described how, even years after his father’s passing, he continues to receive phone calls from his father’s former students, who call simply to express the profound impact Rabbi Isaac Mintz had on their lives. It was a powerful testament to the lasting and transformative influence a mechanech has on his talmidim.

One of the evening’s highlights was the surprise unveiling of the upcoming building expansion project. Rabbi Yossi Langsam took the podium to share the Yeshiva’s bold new vision. He spoke passionately about the Rebbe’s unwavering demand for growth, emphasizing that the Rebbe never allowed his chassidim to be satisfied with past accomplishments.

Even though Lubavitch Yeshivajust completed a tremendous expansion, they are moving forward exactly as the Rebbe would expect. The crowd responded with enthusiastic support, recognizing the enormous impact this expansion will have on the Yeshiva’s ability to provide an even greater chinuch experience for its talmidim.

The evening concluded with warm and encouraging words from Rabbi Mendel Scharf, menahel of the Mechina division. Rabbi Scharf reflected on the special significance of the evening coinciding with Tes Adar, marking 85 years since the Frierdiker Rebbe established Tomchei Temimim in America. He reminded everyone how fortunate we are to be mechanchim and Mechanchos in Tomchei Temimim, entrusted with the Rebbeim’s mission of hiskashrus and Chassidishe chinuch. His words resonated deeply, leaving all those present with a renewed sense of pride and dedication.

Throughout the evening, the program was seamlessly emceed by Rabbi Turk, menahel for Pre-1A through Kita Daled. His warm presence and thoughtful introductions added a personal touch, infusing the evening with the camaraderie and achdus that Tomchei Temimim is known for among its staff.

As the evening drew to a close, the excitement in the room was palpable as all the Rebbis stood up to dance together in unity. Before leaving, each staff member was presented with a special memento: a beautifully crafted, leather-bound, large Chitas, featuring the latest edition with Chayenu. 

With the powerful messages of the evening still resonating and the thrilling announcement of the new expansion on the horizon, Tomchei Temimim moves forward stronger than ever continuing its mission of Chassidishe chinuch, fulfilling the vision of the Rebbeim.

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