Friendship Circle Boys End Adar on High Note
The Boys of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn and their buddies from local Yeshivas gathered for a unique event to culminate the joyous month of Adar. Billed as an evening of “Music and Talent,” the young adults joined at the JCM for a most memorable evening.
The program began with an intimate performance with one man band Mendel Deutsch and up n coming singing sensation Shmuli Hurwitz, whose music got all the boys up on their feet.
The ‘open mic’ offered the young men an opportunity to shine, share laughs and impress the audience with their talents. Playing music, singing, break-dancing and a host of comedy routines were just some of the amazing talents displayed on stage.
Together with the musical duo and the amazing volunteers, the event concluded on a high note, with the boys breaking out in lively dancing.
Special thanks to all those who made this possible.
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Friendship circle lover
Friendship circle really goes above and beyond in bringing joy to these special kids may you guys go m’chial al choel!!
c you
mendel weiss ..
I see you in several photos
good on ya!!!
Proud Uncle
YAY! Mendel Weiss making the world a brighter place!
Keep up the great work!